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The bright sunlight shines brightly through the curtains as I threw myself out the bed to start my day. It was almost ten and as usual I was the first one up. Nunu and Loyal were up past three so I knew they wouldn't be awake.

I grabbed my fully charged phone reading all my important messages and emails before I decided to text my best-friend Nymeria or Ny for short. She's in Seattle for her grandpa funeral who she didn't even like because he didn't accept her for being a lesbian.

Bestie4Life🥰: Bitch guess what just happened at this fucking will hearing

Your papa found out about your nana affairs and didn't leave her anything🤔

Bestie4Life🥰:I wish 🙄 but no it has something to do with ME

He left you something

Bestie4life🥰: He left me 100k just for being his youngest grandchild. BITCH I'M RRRRRRIIIIICCCCCHHHHH

You gonna give me a percentage for all the shit I did for your ass for the last 16 yrs


You ain't shit, ain't never gonna be shit and yo mama dont love you

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You ain't shit, ain't never gonna be shit and yo mama dont love you

Laughing hysterically I slipped my phone into my basketball shorts and left my room. I stared at the door across from me debating if I should talk to her or not. Fuck it her stubborn ass to going to hear what I have to say.

Raising my hand to knock it was snatched open and I was pulled inside. She locked the door then eyed me with lustful eyes or hatred. I'm going to go with the second one because I know damn well she ain't looking at me in a sexual desire.

"Do you have a minute to talk" She sat on the edge of the bed swinging her legs avoiding eye contact

"Of course. I came for the same reason" I sat a good distance away from her

"Why didn't you come and watch movies with me and Nunu?"

"I had to figure some stuff out for Midnight and lost track of time"

"That's all you can go now" She got up walking towards the bathroom. I grabbed her arm pulling her back to me

"What's really your problem Loyal"

"You're my fucking problem. Don't think I didnt notice how far you were away from me. I can't stand being pitied. Not again Los. If you can't accept what I told you without treating me differently then we can't be friends. I'm not a baby nor am I fragile"

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