Recipe 3

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3 days later

Well the woman was troublesome enough for Y/N, although they had faced worse. Y/N's mum was very silent after that, she only said the occasional "yes" or "no" or took orders but that was it, it was like Y/N's mum had seen a ghost that day. Her lack of speech worried Y/N, it wasn't like her to stay quiet and for three days, it was never easy for them to sustain their small food joint in the middle of a town. But for Y/N's source of motivation and love to have 'stopped working' made Y/N feel, different in a sense.

But the part where Y/N almost had a heart attack was when she found the restaurant 'closed for the day', it was still sunny and so Y/N checked the time on their watch, 2:08pm, what?

Y/N's mum was found sweeping the courtyard. Y/N ran towards their mum and rambled on about the restaurant, if you stood close enough, you could hear 'closed' '3 months' 'travelling'. And that's when Y/N's mum handed them a piece of paper and envelope and went inside. After 10 minutes, she came out wearing a summer dress covered with many sunflowers, a straw sunhat and a suitcase, she kissed Y/N on the forehead and then left towards the bus stop. Leaving Y/N shocked.

Was this all Y/n's fault?

What did Y/N do?

Not even Y/N knew.

Flashback- 3 days earlier

The smell of cheese and toasted tortillas filled the room instantaneously as Y/N had entered the room. The old woman peeked through the door frame, although she hated children in general, she was intrigued by Y/n's culinary skill, but she tried not to show any emotion except disgust. Y/N continued to cook her dish, they went at such an accurate and quick speed that if you were to blink, you had missed a step. Cutting shallots, mixing the meat, then out of everyone's surprise, Y/N grabbed a jar of...


Y/N opened the jar and separated the kimchi and the juice, then chopped the kimchi and added the juice to the meat. The smell of the food was overwhelming for everyone, even the old reviewer was overwhelmed, there was a loud slam and a ticking sound. 20 minutes later the timer rang and the oven door was swung open. Fragrance of cheeses, spice and meat filled the whole restaurant, with drooling faces and people wafting the air.

"Order up!"

The old woman didn't have time to process everything but she already found herself sitting at her table staring at the dish.

What was it?

Why does it smell such delicious?

She feebly grabbed a tortilla and scooped the contents, she simply gawked with awe. The stringiness of the cheese and the combination of meat and kimchi. She took a bite and her mouth instantly burst with flavour. The cheese, kimchi and meat compliment each other well, and the tortilla gave everything texture and a touch of salt, it was as if she ate a kimchi burger, the juicy meat and kimchi juices danced on her taste buds. It was marvelous.

She gave a steamy sigh and for the first time, she smiled and gave a thumbs up towards Y/N, everyone was surprised, including her henchmen. After she had swallowed she asked, "what inspired you to make this sort of dish?"

"The canteen at school sold nachos, and I thought I would try to make a similar version, but with a Korean twist. I call it,'Hyanglo's special: Kimchi Nachos'."

The old woman just sighed happily as she and her henchman finished off the dish and left, properly apologising to Y/N and their mum and giving them a very hefty tip before leaving.

Everyone after that started asking Y/N to make more of the 'Hyanglo's special: Kimchi Nachos' which they happily did, making it the special for that night. Improvising, it was something Y/N was new to. They didn't expect the recipe to work, they just made it on the spot. Y/N just sighed and continued to make nachos.

Back to present- 3 days later

Y/N still didn't understand their mum's actions, it was completely foreign to them. They checked the time on their watch once again. 3:17pm, Y/N had been standing for an hour thinking about their flashback, but Y/N soon grew hungry.


"I guess i'll go eat something. Today is leaving a bitter taste in my mouth."


Food Names/Cooking Terms

Kimchi Burger➫ I don't know if this actually exists but the Kimchi Nachos reminded me of the main ingredients of a burger (meat, cheese, bread/tortilla) and just added the kimchi.

Hyanglo's Special: Kimchi Nachos➫ Its basically nachos but with a Korean twist (adding kimchi), if you want the full recipe, i found this recipe on Tasty. (because i'm not creative :/ )


Sorry it's been so long since i have updated [ (;'・')> i'm so sorry...] i'm not going to make any excuses but i hope you did enjoy this chapter, even though it's shorter.

Please comment me anything, i'm all ears for feedback!

PS: I won't be updating as often as i usually do because i will be studying for my yearly exams, please understand and i hope to update soon!

Wish me luck! [ _〆(・_・。) ]



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