Umm? Chapter 6

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Levi pulled away from the kiss both of us breathing heavily.

"Um, I need to go." Before he could respond I took off in the other direction.

I could hear him yelling my name behind me but I couldn't bring myself to turn around or even stop.

I had no idea where I was going but I just ran.

How stupid can I be? I barely know Levi and yet I find myself opening up to him about my father's death and then kissing him!!!!

What the hell is wrong with me?

Finally giving in to the ache in my legs I slowed down and came to a complete stop.

Hmm, some how I ended up on the football field?

Slowly I walked towards the bleachers and sat down at the very top, I just sat there for only God knees how long.

Just thinking about everything from Levi, to my dad, to my weird emotions.

"H-hey are you okay?" I jumped at the voice not realizing someone had come up to me while I was sorting through my inner jumbled thoughts.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you." The girl was kind of short, not as short as me but she was short.

She had reddish brown hair, dark brown eyes that had a glint of mischief in them and a smile that made me feel a little bit better.

"I guess I was just so lost in thought I didn't hear you." I smiled softly at the girl and she laughed.

"Or maybe I'm a ninja, my name's Alice." She sat down beside me and took out a green notebook.

"I'm Clara, the new girl." I looked out towards the football field waiting for the million dollar question.

'Are you Levi Jacobs girlfriend?' But it never came surprisingly.

"Oh, well then you probably don't know much about the town do you?" I looked at her surprised maybe, she hadn't heard the rumors.

"Um actually Levi showed me the town over the weekend." Her head shot up and she had a huge grin on her face.

"So, you know Levi Jacobs? I do to, he's probably my only friend in this damned hell hole of a town." To say I was surprised would be an understatement.

Levi never mentioned an Alice or any of his friends for that matter.

"Really?" Surprise was clear in my voice. Alice didn't look like the kind of girl who would hang out with the towns so called badass?

"I know why you have that look on your face." Alice looked down at her green notebook which was now open to a page with words scrawled all over the page.

It even had some drawings a sketches, she was actually really good, and the words looked kind of like poetry but I'm not a writer so I don't know for sure.

Snapping me out of my thoughts her voice came sliced the through the cool fall air once again.

"You're thinking why would I hang out with the badass of town?" She laughed but it held no humor at all, and I shrugged my shoulders.

"The answers simple really I was homeless he found me when I was 8 years old, took me home. His family adopted me, so I guess you could say he's pretty much my brother and savior. The rest of the town hated me though, I was and always will be an outcast." A single tear fell down her cheek and I suddenly found myself embracing her into a hug.

"Well, now he isn't your only friend Alice, I can't imagine why people wouldn't like you." I could hear her laughter among her cries.

I meant it too. Alice seemed like an amazing girl and I think we're going to be amazing friends.

"Alice can I tell you something?" Slowly she nodded her head and once again I find myself opening up to someone I just met.

Maybe this town is going to change me for the better, or maybe the worst but I sure do hope it's the first one.

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