Tanjiro Kamado|Beautiful Disaster

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Requested by @ModestRune 

You are a demon slayer who chose to serve in the butterfly estate rather than fighting in the front line, one of the reasons is that you are incredibly clumsy, to the point that you even put your life in danger.

One day you were assigned to tend to the wounds of Tanjiro Kamado, one of the demon slayers who got injured in the battle at mountain Natagumo. Tanjiro always find things to compliment you despite always failing and almost killing him with your clumsiness.

"Tanjiro-san please drink you medicine" you said as you handed him the supposedly medicine, Tanjiro gladly accepted it but the moment the liquid reach his tongue he immediately spit it out.

"(Y/N) this is a dis washing liquid" he still managed to warmly say as he wash his taste buds with water.

"I'm really sorry! it won't happen again!" you bow as you hurried to swap the dis washing liquid with his medicine, this time properly checking the contents. Despite almost killing him everyday, Tanjiro were never mad at you, he would just laugh it off and warmly say 'It's okay'. actually, he always save you whenever you were in trouble.

"Tanjiro-san! you shouldn't move around with that injuries" you called as you run towards him

"oh hi (Y/N)...hey watch out!" Tanjiro warmed as he saw you suddenly trip without reason,before you could react you felt the world spin around, you brace yourself for the impact but it never come.

"are you okay? that was dangerous you could've hit your head" Tanjiro worriedly asked as he hold both your shoulders preventing you from falling. Tanjiro's face was so close that you could practically see his eyes worriedly looking at you, realizing the position you were in you immediately pulled away and bowed 90 degrees. 

"I'm sorry Tanjiro-san, thanks for catching me" you apologized and thanked him at the same time.

Once again Tanjiro just brush it off, saying that it's okay, Tanjiro never failed to save you whenever you were in trouble, He was always present whenever you need help, so it was no surprise that you madly fell in love with the demon slayer.

"here you should eat more" you peacefully feed the cat as it brush itself against your outstretch hand. then suddenly your stomach growl from hunger. Tanjiro smiled as he witness the scene, you always put others before you despite needing help the most, he can't help but admire you even more.

"You should also eat (Y/N)" Startled by Tanjiro's voice you suddenly turn around causing you be out balance, your eyes widen as you felt yourself falling backwards to the pond in the butterfly estate.

Tanjiro who witness the scene outstretch his hands trying to catch you, lucky for you he was able to grasp your hand but unlucky for you Tanjiro was not able to regain his balance instead the both of you fell down the pond.

When you opened your eyes, you and Tanjiro was soaking wet while Tanjiro was hovering above you his hands on either sides besides you waist, you felt your heart beat faster as you stare at Tanjiro and your face getting red as time passes.

you were interrupted from your thoughts when Tanjiro offered his hand to pull you up, realizing what happened you immediately grasp his hand and bowed 90 degrees again.

"I'm really sorry Tanjiro-san because of me, you might get sick, I'm really a terrible person i'm sorry" you rumbled non-stop

"It's no big deal, I'll always save you no matter what" he warmly said while smiling, flowers floating around him, your heart skip a beat and you can't help the smile forming in your face. You really is madly in love with him.

of coarse Tanjiro knew you like him, you emit a scent that is only present when his around, this goes unnoticed by him as whenever you two would talk or interact, your scent drastically change, a scent that is warm and comforting, a scent he really likes.

Then after a few days, Tanjiro was coming back to the butterfly estate after a mission, he was so tired that he just wanted to see you so badly, a fact he didn't notice. he followed your scent on the back area on the estate where you were peacefully sleeping, the moonlight complimenting your pale face and fair skin, Tanjiro had a smile on his face as he approach your sleeping form. 

Tanjiro took a seat next to you, to admire your face closer but then he notice the goosebumps on your skin, he took off his haori and placed it on on, unconsciously you snuggled to it more, a gesture Tanjiro really find cute.

"your're so cute (Y/N)" he whispered as he leaned down to kiss your forehead you suddenly woke up, startled by the sudden presence you look up only to meet Tanjiro's eyes and both your lips joined together. 

suddenly you find yourself closing your eyes and just enjoying the kiss, his lips were warm compared to your cold lips and the kiss was a bit sloppy but still you enjoyed it.

when the two of you pulled away, your face was as red as the tips of  kyojuro's hair. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that I was just...I mean...It was an accident, but I..I'm really sorry..." you mumbled as you apologized over and over, Tanjiro just smiled at your flustered self, then suddenly he kiss you once again this time not but accident.

"It's okay I really like you (Y/N)" He said after he pulled away, Tanjiro pulled you closer to him, your head snuggled to his chest keeping each other warm.

"..I...re..really love you Tanjiro-san" you whispered as you buried your face deeper to his chest, Tanjiro just laught and rub the back of your head.

"I know I love you too" he said as he placed a kiss on your forehead, you two spend the whole night snuggled together under the moonlight. accidents happened for a reason, sometimes those accidents could lead to something beautiful, A Beautiful Disaster as they call it.


Published: September 25, 2019

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