Muichiro Tokito |Laugh

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Requested by anhNguynChu3

"Hahaha that's funny tell me another one" you excitedly said as you and Tanjiro had a friendly chat, but to someones eyes it was more than just a friendly chat.

unbeknownst to the two of you, a pair of eyes were intently staring at the two of you, those eyes belong to no other than Muichiro himself. 

He was just walking around when he heard you laughing, a laugh he rarely hears when your with him. seeing you happily laughing with Tanjiro,  Muichiro didn't know what to do, his insecurities just made it worse.

Before he met you, Muichiro often hear that he was boring and so plain, he didn't mind it at all but when he started dating you, this words scared him more than demons did. what if you find him boring and leave him for someone more adventurous, what if you find someone much more entertaining than he is.

Muichiro dejectedly walk away with a load of heavy thoughts, later that day, when you and Muichiro were spending time together, he was behaving oddly.

"You're awfully quiet? are you feeling sick?" you asked concernedly 


"hmmmm then what do want to do today?" you asked 

"can you laugh for me?" he suddenly said, startling you a little


"just laugh " he demanded but not with force, still gentle like he always was. even though you wanted to, someone asking you to just suddenly laugh was hard. 

"you're acting weird? did something happened? come one tell me, you know I'll listen" you asked instead of laughing, realizing you won't laugh, Muichiro took a sigh and look down the ground sadly, making you guilty, despite not knowing what it caused. 

"...why can't you just laugh like you did when you talk with Tanjiro earlier?" he quietly muttered but you till manage to hear.



"pfttt! so it's about that" seeing you laugh, all because of him was enough for Muichiro to feel better, a bright smile made it on his face as he watch you laugh, a huge burden lifting off of him.

"were you jealous?" you asked after laughing at his cute behavior. Muichiro look away from you, a blush covering his face as he shyly look down on the ground.

"I like Tanjiro but I'm scared he'll take you away from me" he muttered, upon hearing his sweet confession, you softly look at him and cupped both his cheeks and made him look at you.

"ohh Muichiro, don't worry I'll only love you and no one else" you reassured smiling so brightly at him, then brush some of his hair bangs to stare at his handsome face more. 

"It's impossible to find someone like you, for me there's only one you and that's enough for me" you added as you deeply look at him in the eye, to properly convey your feelings to him.

Muichiro felt warm, he nuzzled his cheek closer on your hand as he place his bigger hand on top of your hand. Muichiro looks so content and at peace, maybe his mind was wondering all over you all day long and it took a huge toll on his body.

"I don't know what I would do if you ever leave me, but having you say that makes me so happy" Muichiro lovingly said as he stare back at you.

"I love you more than anything in this world" he added as he place a kiss on your hand then collapse on your shoulder, embracing you tightly making you chuckled as you rub his back up and down.

"I love you too Muichiro" 

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