Sanemi Shinazugawa

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-NSFW Warning -

Requested by @funkopop19

"ahhh Finally" you stretch your arms above your head as you reach the demon slayer headquarters after a long mission. as soon as you washed and change your clothed you immediately visit your hot blooded boyfriend, which you didn't see for a week.

"Sanemi!" you called as you entered the house, instead you were greeted with silence.

"Sanemi?" you opened the door to one of the rooms to find it empty, as you were wandering around the hallway, a hand suddenly yanked you towards one of the room and slam you on the door. you were immediately on guard but soon relax as you heard his familiar voice.

"(Y/N)" Sanemi whispered to your ear as he slightly nimble on it sending shiver on your spine.

"What's wrong with you and why is it so dark in here?" as you try to free yourself from being sandwich between the door and Sanemi. He took hold of both your wrist with one hand and pinned it above your head.

You gasp as he trace kisses down your ear to your neck, a low moan escape your mouth as he suck on a soft spot in your neck. 

"Sane-" before you could say his name you gasp in surprise as he suddenly bite your soft spot. Sanemi's lips then traveled to your lips as he roughly explored every corner of your mouth while his other hand opened you uniform's button one by one.

when Sanemi pulled back a string of saliva connect both your mouth, but Sanemi didn't stop seeing your red flustered face was a major turn on.  Sanemi let go of your wrist which automatically move to his shoulder for support.

Sanemi irritated by the uniform, forcefully rip it off your body. now that you were fully naked in front of he Sanemi suck on your breast as his hand played with the other.

"Sanemi~" you moaned as you grip his shoulder, pleasure filling your whole body. soon enough you felt butterflies in your stomach and cum. Sanemi satisfied with his work, put his hand in your womanhood.

"your so wet (Y/N)" he seductively said as he rub your womanhood making you grip his shoulder harder as you rest your forehead on his shoulder.

"Sanemi~~" you called as you unconsciously pressed your body towards him, which makes Sanemi grin. he then inserted two fingers inside as he pull it in and out, once again your body succumbs to Sanemi's touches.

"you're really the best" he said as he remove all his clothes then slightly raise you up, your legs immediately wrapping around his waist while you two were on a heated make up session and your hands wrap around his neck.

You then felt Sanemi's hard member as it slowly entered you, your moans were muffled as he kiss you deeply. Sanemi groaned as he was inside you. without warning Sanemi slam to you non-stop, making you a moaning mess.

you dig your nails on his back as he repeatedly move in and out of you, right now you couldn't even think straight as the only thing on your mind was Sanemi. you closed your eyes as you release on Sanemi's member, he then followed after you as he also release .

both of you were gasping for air as Sanemi carried you on his bed and cuddle with you.

"what wrong with you? suddenly attacking me like that?" you pout as soon as you regain your breath. 

"...I've fucking miss you" was all he said as he pulled you closer to him.

too tired to answer you just snuggle deeper to his chest and fall asleep, but not before muttering:

"I love you Sanemi" 

"I know...I love you too"

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba x Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now