Pillars | A Little Adventure Part 1

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Requested by CaptainMikaela

It was no secret that Uzui had a daughter, and it was known to everyone that he was a fool when it come's to his 3 year old daughter.

At first glance, anyone could see the similarities between you and Uzui, from your white hair to your maroon colored eyes you were definitely his daughter, aside from his 'Flamboyant' actions, your personalities were even alike.

Uzui was a strict father, yes, he was sweet but his protectiveness was too much, he won't allow you to go out the estate without him or even at least one of the servants, though you could understand his side, there are days that you were just bored out of your mind.

So one day, When everyone was busy on the estate, you slip by the demon slayers guarding outside the house and decided to ran away. with your little feet you traveled a long path holding the straps of your back pack while humming a children song. 

You stop on your tracks when a butterfly flew around you followed by another, then another, soon a flock of butterfly was dancing around you.

awestruck with the colorful butterflies, with your cute little hands you tired to jump and catch them, but they were too agile for you to catch.

"Oh (Y/N)-chan?" a soft voice called, turning around you saw two familiar demon slayers standing behind you.

"Shinobu-onesan! Mitsuri-onesan!" you called as you run towards them and embrace them on their legs which they replied back with a pat on the head.

"are you with Tengen-san?" Mitsuri asked as she kneeled down to you height.


"What are you doing in here, alone?" Shinobu asked following Mitsuri's action

"I ran away" you proudly said. 

"You ran away?! isn't that bad?" Mitsuri said as she stares at you, who was busy staring at the butterfly flying around. 

"Do you like them?" Shinobu asked following the direction you were looking

you just nod  mesmerized by the beauty of the colorful butterflies, as they flew in the air as if they were dancing.

"Here, I'll give this to you as a gift" Shinobu said as she put a butterfly hairpin in your hair.

"Wow, Thank you very much!" you said as you bowed.

"Then let's go bring you back home, Tengen-san might be worried sick at you" Mitsuri said as she was about to take you hand.

"Oh What is that!" you shouted as you point behind them, the moment both of them turn around to look, you ran away from them as fast as your little feet could take.

"I don't want to go home yet!!" you shouted for them to hear, as you ran and ran and ran.

you come to a complete stop due to exhaustion, once again you were mesmerized by the new environment as you survey your surroundings. you were surrounded by an endless tress from both side with the creaking of the insects and the rustling of the leaves, it was so peaceful.

you were startled when your eyes landed on a pair of mint green eyes staring at you, you relax as upon the recognition of the familiar face, even though you only met him once during a Hashira meeting.

"Muichiro-oniisan" you cheerfully said as you brightly smiled at him.

"who are you?" he said as he continue to blankly stare at you, he blink once, twice, thrice. 



"...Do you know where the exit of this forest is?" you asked after having a staring contest with him.

"Over there" he said as he point to the opposite direction, you were about to leave after muttering a small thanks, but he grab the back of your back pack and opened it.

"Hey! stop it, I'll tell you off on my father!" you shouted as you struggle on his hold. 

"...I find these in the forest, you cant have it" he said as he forcefully shove some unknown thing on your back pack.

"Mushrooms?... are you giving me your junk?" you said as you catch a glimpse of what he gave you.

"yeah" he replied as he let you go. 

"ahh okay....thank you?" you said unsure as he turn to the opposite direction to leave, while you also leave the forest.

as you leave the forest, an estate greet you, it was huge compared to where you lived, curios you spot a small hole on the fence, just big enough for you to crawl in.

inside the estate, it was quiet, no servants running around nor demon slayers roaming, unlike the house you live in, which was always buzzing with people. you dust off you clothes and roam around the estate.

you were looking around when a white snake slithers in front of you, not being being scared you took a stick and try poking the snake with it.

"are you lost?" you said to the snake as it hiss at the stick your poking it with.

"Brat, How did you get in here?" a cold voice said behind your back, the white snake slithering to him up to his shoulder.

"Is the snake your pet?" you asked, innocently looking up to meet his bi-colored eyes.

"so what if he is? get out of here, I don't like children" he said as he shooed you away

"how rude! ...I don't like you, I'll tell you off to Mitsuri-onesan! " you said as you stick out your tongue on him, an irk mark forming on his head.

"That's it, get out of here" he answered as he pick you up on the back of your clothes and proceed to throw you off outside. as soon as you were outside he slide off the door and lock it.

"I won't play with you anymore, even if you beg me!" you shouted outside the door huffing. you examine your surroundings, different paths on the road as you ponder where to go.

"Now where should I go next?"


To Be Continued

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