Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Ghost Girl

I never thought about it much but when I was running back to town that day, there were a lot of people on the road so why didn't I stop to ask them? They all stared at me with sad faces like they saw the scene with my mother.

......t(o_ Ot) ......

I heard a thud from down the hall, I choose to ignore it. Then it came again, and again then a crash. By this time I'm wide awake and couldn't take it anymore, I flicked off the covers and slipped on my bunny slippers. Still a little groggy from sleeping to long I start to stretch out but get interrupted by another bang or two then followed by a crash. "That's it!" I storm from my room and stomp down the hall to the last door on the right. Not thinking if I should knock or not and try to ask nicely, I slam the door open and walk straight up to my brother and father in a tangled mess on the floor."DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO DO THIS SO EARLY IN THE MORNING!?" I tried to shout the best I could but I don't yell much so it came out as if a normal person were just talking.

They both look dumbfounded at me, not because I yelled at them which I never do. Nor because I'm dressed in my bunny pjs and slippers. Because they were caught doing Karate upstairs instead of in the basement in the training room. I stare down at them and give them a disappointed look "I'm gonna say this once, so THIS TIME you better listen" I pause for a moment, "Dad you know you and Ryan aren't supposed to practice Karate up hear because you guys break things and the housekeeper hates that! You better get rid of it before she comes at the end of the week." I cross my arms waiting for a response and find that we are sitting in silence, "Well do you have anything to say?"

My father was the first to speak "listen Angelic, I'm...we're sorry. We get carried away and start to fight I know I should have brought I downstairs but well you know..."

"Yeah Angel, we will try to remember better next time" my brother added standing up wrapping an arm around me and walked out. My father came gave me a hug then kissed my forehead, then walks out of the room. After they leave I turn around and stare at a little girl about my hight in the door way crying. I stare at her and sigh. Poor die at a young age. I walk up and wrap my arms around her, so small and fragile, easy to break. I step back and keep my hands on her shoulder, "What's your name?" I smile at her and she stops crying.

She hesitates before she talks "...Anna"

"Well Anna, lets go to my room I would love to talk to you" I wrap my arm around her and head to my room. We walk slowly but when we arrive she sits on my bed, of course not making much of an indent, I smile to myself. It's funny how I'm so used to them now. I grab a spare chair from the corner of my room and place it a few feet in front of where she's sitting, then grab my sketch pad and pencil.

"Anna? Why are you sad?" I say as I open my note book to a fresh unmarked page and look at her, then start to draw a ruff version of this little ghost girl.

"Because, I died." She said weakly then sniffled.

"How did you die?" Trying my best to sound as gentle as I could.

"My mommy and me were in a car, and someone ...smashed into us."

I couldn't help but freeze and stop my almost finished drawing of this ghost girl. I looked up at her and swallowed hard. I blinked a few times trying not to recall any bad memory's and looked back down trying to finish. "Lots of things happen like that, was there something else that bugged you? Or made you this upset?"

"Me and my mommy were fighting, the last thing I said to her was 'I hate you! I wish I was never born!'"

"So I guess you regret it?" She nodded softly and wiped away her tears. I put down my finished sketch of her and smile, at least I can remember her story when I look at this. My smile fades slightly when I look at this little ghost girl crying on my bed. I stand up and plant my butt right beside her, "Is your mother still alive?"


"Then you'll see her again" she stiffened then looked at me, but I stared at the ground with my hands folded in my lap, "when I was fourteen. My mother, my aunt and I were in a car crash too, there both dead, oh what I would give to see them again but I can't. Your mother died with you, so once you forget this world you'll be with her in heaven."


"Yes, in heaven where all little good girls like you go" I smiled and patted her head lightly.

" I'm not a good girl, I said 'I hate you' to my mom"

"She already forgave you for that the minute you said it, she loves you, no matter what you do, go see her" I guess it was the 'she loves you' part but she instantly smiled at me and hugged me.

"I didn't know after death people can still see you." She said cheerfully and started to fade.

"If you see my mom... tell her..." I paused and thought. then finally breaking the silence before she leaves."I'm sorry"

"I will.." her last words before disappearing completely.

I looked to the floor and pulled my knees to my chest, "As if.." I mumbled to myself. "She doesn't even know her."

I sat there setting myself up for defeat. "I'm sorry."

....t(o_ Ot).....

After the ghost left I sat in that spot for a good five minutes then picked up the drawing and stared at it. I ran my fingers over it and sighed. I was a good three to four years older that her and we were practically the same hight, I lifted my eyes from the paper and looked at the full body length mirror on the opposite side of the room and walked in front of it. "Why can't I grow? I'm just... stuck" I said to my reflection then placed my hand on the glass.

I heard a knock at the door that snapped me out of my daydream. It was my brother, he was younger than me by a year but he was 5feet 9inches. I give him a hard stare and he smiles, "you talking to yourself again?" He joked


"Who was it this time?"


He whistles "Sad when they die young" he walks up to me and grabs the drawing from my hand "crying..." I stayed silent and stared at him. He put the sketch pad down then hugged me, after a moment passes he picks me up and holds me in an upright bridle position. I lean my head on his shoulder and he takes me out of the room and heads down stairs.

"Let's go get some breakfast Angel."

I don't say anything but I hugged him tightly and try to hold back my tears but eventually it fails and the hot liquid falls down my cheeks and gets on Ryan's shirt. He holds me tighter and kisses my forehead,

"I know.. It hurts"

......t(o_ Ot)........

(I decided to add another chapter and see if people will like it)

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