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The tunnel rose into a steady incline and shafts of light, sunlight this time, began pushing through the cracks in the rock to make puddles of yellow at her feet. The musky smell of burnt wood lingered in the air, getting stronger with each step, until the tunnel opened into an underground room, comfortably furnished, dry and considerably warmer than the dripping limestone caves.

Plush couches swathed in red fabric surrounded an underground fire pit at the centre of the room. Above the pit, a crack in the ceiling provided ventilation for the smoke, and around it, an arrangement of dark crimson material sported the slogan, 'Phoenix House. The House of Fire, Flame and Passion,' in bold black letters. Four redwood doors led to separate sleeping quarters on either side and a long wooden table lined the far wall.

Three teenagers, one girl and two boys, sat around the table and slurped down their soup breakfasts with gusto. Apple, Ollie and Jacob—Ash remembered them from the night of the demonstrations. They froze with their spoons mid-air, soup leaking from the corners of their mouths when they saw Oroton and Ash.

Ollie whispered behind his hand to Apple, who sat straight and fixed her fringe. Jacob looked down into his soup bowl, his face flushing red.

Oroton smiled. "Yes, I know about the burnt pillar. And no, you're not in trouble, although I would appreciate it if you lot had told me earlier."

Jacob glared at Ollie. "I told you we should've said something."

"Well, I didn't know we weren't going to get in trouble."

Oroton held up his hand. "This is Sprout. She will be joining Phoenix House. I trust you will make her feel welcome."

Apple smiled. "Yeah, we met her at the demonstrations."

Ollie smirked. "Heh. Apple and Sprout. We're going to have to change our name to the House of Fruit and Vegetables."

Apple rolled her eyes. "Simple minds," she muttered, earning her a slap on the arm.

Oroton cleared his throat. "Aren't you three supposed to be at your lessons?"

Ollie shook his head. "Eli left this morning," his tone dropped, disappointment evident. "We've got no one to teach us."

"Ah, of course," Oroton said. "I'd better get one of the apprentices to take over."

Ollie looked up, eyes alight. "Will it be Gus? He's the best."

"If you'd like," Oroton said.

All three nodded vigorously.

Oroton clasped his hands together. "It's decided, then. You'll start lessons with Angus in the morning. In the meantime, I believe you have island work to do."

The three children jumped to their feet, stammering apologies and straightening their silver robes. Ollie unhooked a rope ladder from the wall and held it steady for Apple while she climbed to the roof of the cave. Jacob made to follow when Oroton cleared his throat again. "Aren't you forgetting someone?"

The three children stammered more apologies and bustled towards Ash. Ash let herself be shepherded towards the rope ladder and with one look back at Oroton, began to climb.

Oroton shook his head disapprovingly but as he turned to leave, a small smile played on his lips.



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