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She had to find Jai, had to get the message through to him about their parents, had to stop the Establishment from getting their iron grip into him, brainwashing him, before it was too late.

She pulled the rip cord. The engine spluttered. She tried again. This time, the motor caught. The off-kilter putting sound that came thereafter was a sick child with whooping cough.

She pulled away from the protected cove and ducked as the boom swung with the swell. The main sail remained in a crumple against the boom. She didn't know how to hoist it, didn't know the first thing about sailing. She would rely on the motor to get her to the mainland, and Herald to direct her.

Herald soared faithful circles in the air. Just get me as far as the city, she thought.

His answering ca-caw was more warning than ascent.

She squinted into the distance. If Gigi could float across the Southern Sea without a sail, she could float back to the mainland with a motor and a navigator. It couldn't be that far, right?

Reaching down for the flask of water she'd stored below deck. Instead, she grasped scratchy rolls of parchment and brought them to the light. It was the two posters Eli had brought back to the island.

Unravelling the first, she scanned the print, imagining her brother's furrowed brow as he drafted the words. Did he believe what he was writing? How much did he know about what was really going on?

Her eyes quested the text, looking for clues to his wellbeing—Was he okay? Was he safe? Did he know the Establishment were looking for her?

Attention citizens of Ace

She touched the bolded A, then penned her finger across the rest of the letters as though writing them herself. She wanted to feel him through the page, to touch his hand, hear his voice as he read the words aloud.

Her finger travelled down the line of bolded letters, all the way to the bottom, then stopped and ran the distance again. Something wasn't right. The sentences were all wrong. Chopped in the wrong places. It was as though someone had slapped the word on the page in a rush. And Jai never did things without thought.

The realisation knocked her off her feet. Literally. Just as a wave slammed the hull of the boat, dousing her salt water, she saw in the poster what had been there all along—a warning from her brother, meant only for her.

Attention citizens of Ace

Strange occurrences

Have led us to believe

That a new rebel gang

Have been kidnapping innocent citizens on our streets

Emergency protection lines are to be called if—

You have any information or

Know of any unexplainable disappearances in your area.

Night patrols are now on 24 hour watch

Our number is 1300 Ace

We're here for your protection

2, 000 dollars reward

With elevation to Elite citizen status for information about their stronghold

Keep your city safe

Stop these unspeakable ills

Sitting on the deck of the boat, she swiped spray from her eyes. The words on the poster were now blotched and dripping.




Another wave sent her sliding against the opposite railing so that she almost lost grip on the second poster. Splitting her legs to form an ungainly wedge between the railing and the jut of the centreboard trunk, she flattened the second poster on the deck and read quickly, before the words could become an indecipherable blur.

Wanted: Valancia Asher

A brown-haired, brown-eyed girl

Thought to be known as Val

Cuts on her upper left arm

Height: approx. 155 cm

Outcast and orphan


Twenty-one years of age

Believed to be armed

Last seen in the Entertainment District

Undermining business owners and

Establishment authorities

Have you seen her? Contact us

Anonymous calls will be accepted

Incentives have never been higher

Reward: Informants will be upgraded to Elite citizen status


The blood drained from her face. Blue hair. There was only one person on the island with blue hair. Well, a blue streak in her hair, that is. Jai was trying to warn her about Freia.

And just like that, she turned the tiller, pulled hard on the throttle and lurched back towards the island.



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