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"They know our location?" Miki said, frowning at Oroton. "How? Since when?"

They were gathered around Gigi's mattress after deciding to hold the emergency meeting in Gigi's room, just incase she woke again. It was night. The fire pit was lit, crackled in the silences as though taking pleasure in their consternation. Ash sat in the rocking chair, legs curled protectively against her chest, trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible.

Oroton answered, "Ash spoke to Gigi for a brief time this afternoon after she woke. Gigi told Ash that the Establishment have known about our location for two weeks now and plan to stage an attack in the next couple of days."

"How did Gigi come by this information?" Miki said, dousing Ash with a sceptical stare.

Ash looked down. The chair rocked and creaked. "She was delirious. Fell asleep before I could get more details."

It was the story she'd concocted to share with the others. One that meant she wouldn't have to reveal who she really was, the fact that she was wanted for murder, or the fact that her twin brother was working for the Establishment.

"Why did she tell you this?" Miki said. "Why not Oroton?"

Ash shrugged. "I don't think she knew who she was talking to." It was the only answer she could come up with. Obviously her plan wasn't without its potholes.

She hadn't told anyone about Freia. Didn't know how she could explain how she got that piece of information. She'd decided she'd have to deal with that one herself.

"So, let's say Gigi's right and the Establishment attack tomorrow, or the next day," Shorty said, moving towards the window to look out over the dark ocean expanse. His breath and the heat of his body quickly frosted the glass. "What's our plan?"

Oroton stepped towards the window and pointed. "We'll post a watch on those cliffs, and another on top of the Spiritus tree. We'll work out a rotation system so we can keep an eye on all access to the island day and night. When they come, we'll be ready."

"You sure they won't bomb us from afar?" Gunner said.

"They don't want us dead. I'm almost certain they want to fabricate and manufacture our skills with the forces. They will want us to surrender."

"And we won't surrender," Shorty said without turning.

"They won't expect us to fight," Oroton said.

Shorty placed a finger on the steamed glass and drew a large splodge into the condensation. Paradise island took form before their eyes, the beach, the forest, the river, and the big tree were marked out by dots and lines and symbols. Once this was done, Shorty drew a large X on spot where the jagged limestone cliffs met the sea. "This is where our plan will start," he said.

A battle plan unfolded before their eyes, in such intricate detail that nobody dared ask how long he'd been planning for this moment. Shorty spoke with the authority of a soccer coach preparing his team for a grand final match, only instead of goals, there would be lives at stake.



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