Spring Equinox

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"I'm thrilled to announce the fireflies have made an early appearance this year," Oroton said. "Which means we're overdue for our annual celebration of the Spring Equinox."

Whoops and cheers erupted from the crowd. The Wanderers had gathered in the Tavern to hear an update from Oroton's trip around the Southern Seas only to get an announcement about the much loved Spring Equinox festival instead. It was a respite from the tension that had been mounting since the posters were discovered, but Ash felt nothing but dread. She could only think of one reason why Oroton had failed to mention his news from abroad—that no news was good news.

She glanced at Eli, who was standing with the other teachers behind the bar. The expression on his face confirmed her suspicions. While Miki, Gunner and Shorty were smiling, Eli looked as though he was standing on a tightrope.

"For those of you who are new to the family, the Spring Equinox festival is a night when we let down our hair and celebrate new beginnings." Oroton paused for dramatic effect. "As is tradition, we will have a short ceremony, a bonfire, music and dancing." His eyes glittered mischievously. "And for those of you who are old enough to enjoy such indulgences, I will open a few choice bottles of wine."

More whooping and cheering from the crowd, all thoughts of the Establishment forgotten. A squashed-nosed boy in the front row shouted, "As long as we don't have to listen to Shorty sing again." And the crowd dissolved into peels of laughter.

"I wasn't thatbad, was I?" Shorty said.

"Maybe not for Ear-Jam Fred," the boy retorted, eliciting more laughter from the crowd. "For once, he was glad he didn't clean the wax out."

The bean-pole of a boy next to him, who Ash assumed must be Ear-Jam Fred, made a few choice movements with his hands, all of which looked offensive. Both boys doubled over in laughter.

Shorty nudged Miki. "I have an even better surprise planned for this year."

His statement was met with a withering glare from the red-haired woman.

Oroton waited for the laughter to settle down before he spoke again. "Now, for the specifics. At the appearance of the first star, we'll gather on the beach outside Paradise Tavern. Those of you who've mastered your forces to the satisfaction of your teachers will be required to undertake the initiation to solidify your bond with your force and qualify you to teach others if so required."

Ash stood straighter, wondering if her ability with flames qualified her to take the initiation.

"How do we know if we've qualified?" Ollie said, giving voice to her query.

"Your teachers will decide if you're ready," Oroton said. "And a robe in the colour of your house will be laid out on your bed this afternoon."

"And what happens in the initiation?" Ollie said.

Ash silently thanked him again. He was asking the questions she was too shy to ask.

"That's a very good question," Oroton said. "Impossible to answer, however, for it's different for everyone."

"So, how do we prepare?" Apple said.

Oroton opened his arms wide to address the whole gathering. "Wanderers who've taken the initiation, please raise your hands."

Hands filled the air, sprouting from all those wearing coloured robes—Miki, Gunner, Shorty and Eli's hands among them.

Oroton said, "Look around. If you think you might be eligible for initiation tonight, please find one of these finely dressed individuals during the course of the day and I'm sure they'll be happy to share their wisdom with you."

"What happens if we don't pass?" Apple said.

Oroton's eyes flicked to Ash and when he spoke again, it was as though his words were meant only for her ears. "I think it's best not to worry yourself over the specifics of the initiation. Nobody's ever failed to pass it before."



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