Every Breath You Take~

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{{Hahaha~ I am finally gonna write something about a special Oc of mine, on one of my other accounts. She really needs some love, so why not make a book for her? Read the description before you read the book. The cover meme is from the ever lovely google. ENJOYYYYYY~~~}}

Nanami's PoV:

                "Nana! Get your nose out of your manga!!" I feel a pillow hit me, as I hear my twin yell from the other side of the room. I look up, an raise an eyebrow, "Well isn't someone needy this morning?~" She stuck her tounge out at me, and I did the same back. I put my manga to the side, and stretched. My twin walked over and snatched the manga. "Marai Nikki?" I grabbed for it, snatching it back. "OI! Nara! Don't steal meh manga. Bad twin.~" She playfully pouted at me. After a minute we both started laughing our asses off. As some more time passed, I looked at the clock next to me. "Shiiiiiiiiiiitaki mUsHrOoMs" I yelled. Nara looked over at the time, and disappeared like the flash down the hall so she could get changed first. Little does she know, I can just change in the room. 

I put on my uniform, and walked downstairs. After a minute, I saw my twin run down the stairs in a uniform of her own. We look at each other and laugh. "Look at us. We look like those anime chicks in your manga. What if.... we where in a story of our own?" I looked at Nara and snorted. "That would be cool, right?" She looked at me with big eyes, expressing her excitement on the subject. I rolled my eyes, "As if. That would be one Boriiiing story~" She shrugged in reluctant agreement.

 We grabbed our backpacks and raced out the door. "Come on! We cant be late on the first day if we wanna see the light of day again!!" I yell, as I grab her wrist, dragging her behind me. We arrived at the front of the school, panting, and overdramatically falling on the sidewalk. The students passing by shot us looks of confusion. We grinned at them, and got up. "Damn. These are some buzz-killing rich kids~" I heard my twin say. I rolled my eyes, and started walking to the office with her. "Are you two the new students?" The old lady at the desk asked. We nodded, "Yes we are." I replied. "And we were wondering if you could give us our schedules pretty please~~" Nara finished. The lady chuckled, and handed us each a piece of paper, "Here you go. If you ever need help, come ask me. Have a nice day." Me and Nara traded schedules. "YESSSSSSSSSSSS!" We both yelled at the same time. "We have the same schedule!" Other rolled their eyes at us, as they walked by. "OOoooo. Looks like the rich kids cant handle out twinning~~" Nara stated. I grinned, "We are just to amazing for their stuck up asses~" 

                                    {{Time skippu brought to you by Nanami's manga collection.}}

We rushed into our math class just as the bell rang. "YesssssSSSSSSSsssSS! We made it!" We both cheered at the same time. We looked around to see the students and teacher looking at us, a mix of annoyance, amusement, and confusion spread through the faces of the students in the room. I felt like I was being watched, but shrugged it off because everyone was looking at us at this point. The teacher looked at us, and nodded. "You must be the new students. I'm Mr. Taco, Please, Introduce yourselves to the class." We shot each other an evil grin, and walked up to the front. "Heyo, I'm Nara Akuma." I stated. Nara then spoke. "And I'm Nanami~" We both grinned and spoke in complete sync, "Just kiiiiiding. We Lied~" Nara pointed to herself, "I am Nara, I like to watch anime, read, and draw." I then spoke, "And I'm Nanami. I like To watch anime, read manga, and draw." We heard a groan escape the lips of a few people. The teacher looked at us, his hand over his face, "I can see these two will be a handful." He muttered under his breath. He then took his hand away and told us to sit wherever. 

We chose to sit in the back. The teacher handed out work to everyone, and told us to start on it. Me and Nara kept switching our papers back and forth, until we got done. As we finished, I still couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. "Weird" I muttered. Nara looked at me, "What's wrong?" I told her about the feeling I was getting, and she widened her eyes. "Maybe you have a yandere~" She teased quietly. I rolled my eyes playfully, "Nah. Yandere's aren't real~"

{{Hope you all enjoyed that bEaUtYfUl chapter right there. Have a nice day Hoomanz~~}}

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