Chapter Three - part two

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All looked at Jhope

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All looked at Jhope. "I'm Hoseok. Jung Hoseok, you remember?" Jungkook looked awkwardly into his expectant eyes. "I'm sorry...You're right, I'm really Jeon Jungkook, but I can't remember you." He was so sorry for Hoseok. He felt a knot in his throat. Hoseok looked disappointed. "He had an accident two years ago, and has been suffering from amnesia since then, so don't blame him, okay?" Taehyung said, in a very protective way. "Oh...I'm sorry..." Hoseok looked shocked. Jungkook was glad, Taehyung stood in for him, it was difficult to speak about the accident for him. Horribloe memories about the rehab. Unfortunately  almost the only one's he had. And he wanted to have a good time today with all of them, and just don't wanted to be the one who brings a bad mood in.  It wasn't his plan at all, but since Things started to go this way,he had to ask Jhope though "But since you know me...My doctor said, it's very important for me to meet people from my put my memory back together. Can you tell me where do I know you from?" Hoesok smiled. "We spent often time in summer vacation, in the Holiday house at the beach as we were kids." Jungkook's eyes widen. "Really? I Need to know more about this! I have dreams about a beach..." He looked around, seeing the others, waiting. "...but Maybe we should talk later about this..." "We can exchange number, if you don't mind? I'm glad if I can help you, Kookie." Jungkook looked at him. "Oh, don't remember that I called you like it okay?" Jungkook nodded. 

"Can I call you Kookie, too?" Taehyung asked

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"Can I call you Kookie, too?" Taehyung asked. "Of course." Jungkook smiled. They went to the bowling alley and decided teams. Taehyung made sure to have Jungkook in his team. They had a fun time, and Jungkook got along well with the others. They were all funny and nice to him. Jungkook felt happy. He didn't know if he had another personality before his accident, but he was now an introvert and shy person, and didn't had much Friends. Somehow, Taehyung brought him together with others. At work, he brought him to talk to people he never talked to, even if they worked in the same place for months. And now, he added all their numbers into his phone. He was proud. Of course Jungkook and Taehyung won against the others. Taehyung played good, too, but everyone admired Jungkook's performance. And he showed off a Little.Just a Little. It was pure satisfaction as he turned after his strike and Taehyung clapped and nodded to him with his bright smile. 


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"Taehyung! You Little brat! I know why you wanted him to be on your team! I should have been suspicious

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"Taehyung! You Little brat! I know why you wanted him to be on your team! I should have been suspicious...!" Taehyung just laughed. "Hey, let's go to Karaoke!" RM looked at his watch. "Tae, it's already late, I Need to get up early tomorrow. Let's do it another time." The others agreed. "Besides, what does your appartment search doing?" Jungkook was all ears. "Oh, that...I haven't found one yet..." "Are you moving?"Jungkook tried not to be too interested. "He's sleeping on our couch for 2 weeks now!" Jhope explained. "Wait, you all live together?!" "We three are in a shared Apartment, Taehyung was with our other bandmember sharing an Apartment, before they had a fight..." "Don't expose me here..." Taehyung was nervous. "I'm really searching, but it's not easy. Most appartements are too expensive." He ruffled his hair. Jungkook thought a Little bit. He gathered his courage. Now or never. "You can live in my house, if you would. It's big enough and I have another bedroom nobody uses. It's a guest room, and my friend Jimin just used it a few times." "Oh my god, Jungkook, that would be awsome! Can I really move in?" "Of course. The house belongs to me, and it's very boring alone there." taehyung hugged Jungkook. "Wow, that's a relief, we get our Couch back!" Suga and Jhope made a high five. Jungkook wasn't sure if it was the best idea, but he couldn't resist. "Hey, you Need to come to our gig this weekend." RM said. "Of course." Jungkook responded in excitement. 

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