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Lucien Carr: Let's invent new words, new rhythms.  We need a name.
Ginsberg: Well, how did "Dada" invent it?
William Burroughs: Tristan Tzara stuck a knife in a dictionary.
Lucien Carr: Shit then it has already been done.
David Kammerer: A literary revolution without writing a word, nice trick, Lu.
William Burroughs: Well, I'm listening.
Ginsberg: What do you think of Yeats?  The new vision.
Lucien Carr: Ginsy.  Recruited.


Ginsberg: The new vision states.
Lucien Carr: Proclaims, it's better.
Ginsberg: Proclaims the Death of Morality.
Lucien Ginsberg: And the expression of yes.
Ginsberg: It is the true, uninhibited, uncensored expression of the self.
William Burroughs: Words boys, empty words.
Lucien Carr: What do you suggest?
William Burroughs: The disruption of the senses.  What do you hate from the bottom of your bowels?
Lucien Carr: The institutions.
Ginsberg: Paterson, New Jersey.
Lucien Carr: My father.


Lucien Carr: Extraordinary men push society forward.  It is our duty to break the law.
Ginsberg: Seriously?
Lucien Carr: So we make the world bigger.
Ginsberg: You are an extraordinary man.
Lucien Carr: Oh, thank you.

Quotes of Kill Your DarlingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora