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It was early december and we were all sitting in the great hall eating breakfast.
Dumbledore stood up and put his want to his throat.
"This years year seven ski trip, will be in the central Alps, in Austria!" His voice boomed.
On Sunday the 15 of December the hogwarts express will bring all the seventh years to a port on the coast of scotland where you will get a ferry to france. You will then have a number of muggle school busses bring you to the ski resirt in which you will stay until Sunday the 29 of decrmber when you will make the same journey back. You will then spend the rest of December and New Years at hogwarts before the rest of the school returns."
A letter will be sent to each of you later today with more details.
We went to classes as normal for the rest if the day. A lot if people were gossiping about the trip. I overheard quite a few girls talking about how more students loose their virginity on this trip than graduation ball night.
When i got back to the girls dorm parvati and lavender were sitting on lavenders bed reading letters. I saw the same one lying on my pillow.

Dear Miss Hermione Granger,
The following are details of this years ski trip.

~Students will leave the school at 3:30am Sunday the 15 of December.
They will walk to the hogsmeade station and get the hogwarts express from the school to a port on the scottish coast.
~A ferry will leave at 6:00am
~it should arrive in france at 1:00am on the 16 december,
~students will have time to freshen up and relax for one hour before a bus will leave set for the Central Alps of Ausrtia.
~We will reach the ski resort at the alps at about 11:00pm that day and students will be given their rooms, key cards, luggage etc.

Extra information:
~Rooms will be split by gender groups. ~Each room will hold three people.
~there will be two large busses
One for ravenclaw and hufflepuff
One for gryffindor and slytherin
You will sit in groups of two and there are no extra seats.
~ the teachers will take separate transport for the bus ride but all rules are to be followed as normal and the bus drivers will be watching you and reporting back to the teachers
~ each head if house will be travelling and staying with you.
~All students must be in their rooms by midnight.
~no swapping or sharing rooms
~ all luggage will be checked for banned items, see list on next page.

*you partner on the bus is also your partner for any other two person activities over the two weeks.

What you need to pack
~ ski clothing
~ warm clothing
~ bathing suits
~ sleep wear
~ lounge wear
~ other clothing of choice
~ snow boots
~ dress robes
~ wands
~ toiletries

Banned items:
~ anything that is banned at school
~ alcohol of any kind
~ drugs of anykind (unless medical)
~ anything of a sexual nature
~ any weaslys wizard wheazes products

If you have any questions please ask your head of house.

Proffesor Dumbledore

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