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Everything went on as normal for the next two weeks of school.
But when everyone woke up on Saturday the 14 of December it was crazy people were running around their dorms packing.           The teachers were stressed, the younger years were jealous but the seventh years were absolutely buzzing.
I packed my trunk with everything off if the list and a few extra things. I managed to sneak an undetectable and very strong hiding charm as well as an invisiblilty charm on two bottles of firewhisky i know it wasn't like me but i wanted to let go and have a good time on this trip.
I put an extension charm on my carry on which was an old nike rucksack, i had a few pairs if spare clothes, a few books, toiletries, a couple of fizzy drinks, some water, some rolls and loads of treats in it as well as my iPhone and earphones. I left my trunk at the end of my bed with my rucksack sitting on top. I layed out my clothes for the morning at the end of my bed. I wasn't really hoing to make an effort because it would be like 2am in the morning when i got up so i pulled out a  dark green crop tshirt that went down to just below my bra which was black and lacy, i know it is very revealing but it was comfy and i really wouldn't care at 2am. I also put out my grey baggy sweat pants and a large warm black hoodie that i had taken from my muggle friend during the summer, he had let me have it because i would miss him when i went back to my 'boarding school', it still smelt like him. i had been best friends with him when i was in primary school and we still  spent every summer together. I put out my old orange converse and a pair of white ankle socks.
When i had finished i went down to the courtyard to get some air. A walk would be nice now, i thought. I walked around the black lake, and god was it freezing in December. I pulled my cloak tighter around me, i had forgotten my scarf and was paying for my mistake by freezing almost to death.
As i walked towards a large oak tree i noticed a head of platinum blonde locks up amongst the empty branches.
His head turned towards me and he jumped down, what must have been two meters, like it was a foot. As i looked at him i realised that he was a lot more good looking than i had thought, of coarse i knew he was good looking everyone did ever since third year.
But he was quite magnificent actually.
His skin was a ghastly white but he had a light blush across his cheeks and nose from the cold. He had long eyelashes and perfectly straight white teeth, amazingly plump pink lips and his hair was loosely hanging across his forehead and in his eyes. There was snow in his hair and on his eyelashes. And he had a very toned and built but not too muscley body, he was tall and he had a firm chest, long legs and what i could only imagine was a defined six pack. But no this was Malfoy! He was nothing and he was worthless I shouldn't be thinking about him like that.
"What are you doing here Granger?" He spat bring me out of my thoughts.
"I j-just came for a-a walk, but im s-s-sorry i forgot y-you o-owned the place and t-that I couldn't walk a-a-around t-the grounds!" I spluttered shivering.
"Come here" he said in a surprisingly soft voice.
"Why!" I spat
"Just come here Granger"
As i walked towards him he took of his scarf and his cloak.
I stopped about a foot away from him.
He put his cloak around me then wrapped his scarf around my neck rather gently and  cozily.
"Thanks? But why may i ask?"
"Becauseee Granger, if you were to freeze yourself to death out here and i was the inly around which i am i would be blamed and with my reputation the wouldn't go down well" he smirked the classic Malfoy smirk.
"Oh but have them back to me tomorrow morning i will need to pack them!"
"You haven't packed yet?!" I exclaimed with a voice too high for even my own liking.
"You have packed already?!" He exclaimed mocking me. I chuckled.
"Bye Malfoy!" I said as i turned around.
He didn't say goodbye, only "Slytherin looks good on you"
I turned to see him climbing back up to his branch in the tree, where a pile of books sat awaiting him.

When i entered the castle people were still running around preparing for the trip.
I got quite a few stares on my way back up to the dorms but i couldn't figure out why everyone everyone was gasping, staring and pointing.
When i got back to the common room everyone turned around and stared at me.
"What is that?!" Ron shouted as he pointed at my neck. I looked down and saw Malfoy's slytherin scarf.
"Shit!" I muttered.
"Mione? Whos scarf are you wearing?" Harry asked as himself and ron stood up.
"Yeah?! Whats going on?!" Asked ginny.
A load of other questions were flung at me as i started to slowly step towards the dorms.
"Your not leaving till you answer us!" Shouted ron. And i ran. I sprinted up towards the girls dorms as fast as i could. Once i reached them i i took off the cloak and scarf and stuffed them under my mattress.
A second later Parvati and lavender burst in.
"Did you hook up with a Slytherin?!"
"Was it theodore nott?!"
"Or Blaise Zabini?!"
"Or Draco Malfoy?!!!"
"I didn't hook up with a Slytherin guys i dont know what happened someone must have transfigured it without me noticing."
"We know your lying, the cloak was way too big for you and there was a a strong smell of cologne."
"Look really Nothing happened,"
"Okay we believe you" lavender said in a not very believable voice.
I decided it was better to stay in our dorm for the rest of the night but i sent down Parvati and padma to tell the others the 'story' about my scarf being transfigured.
"Harry and Ron want to talk to you" lavender said when ghey got back.
"I suppose i will go down"
I walked down the stairs and took a deep breath.
"We're sorry 'Mione"
"Its ok, im sorry I didn't realise and made a fuss!" I gave them a hug and then we headed down to dinner while discussing the trip.

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