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It was a slow day at the coffee shop. Chan's shift ended soon, but not soon enough. He just wanted to go home after school, like any teenager, but not every teenager has to work two jobs to support himself and pay his bills since his parents won't. Although that's mainly because he left Australia in a fit so now his family, his friends, and basically everyone who knew him thinks that he's dead. He knows that it's stupid but he left for his own reasons.

It's been almost two years and he knows that people have given up on him coming back. He even made himself a knew instagram account to hide himself from the people he used to know.

He was at the register when he heard the bell from the door ring and two customers came inside. Two guys. He recognized one from school, Jeongin, they've spoken before. The other looked somewhat familiar but he's never seen him before.

He waited for the two to come up to the register to order, but before they came up he heard Jeongin squeal "I can't believe that you're here Felix!"

'Okay, his name is Felix,' Chan thought to himself as his glided over his teeth. Making it not visible for anyone though, that'd be a bit disgusting.

When they came up to the cash register, Chan almost immediately spoke "Hey, Jeongin, the usual?"

"Please and thank you." With all honesty, Jeongin's parents need to give away their parenting secrets because Jeongin is such a well rounded and polite kid.

He turned to Felix "And what would you like?"

Felix looked up and at Chan's face, that's when it happened. Chan's Oh shit. moment, and probably Felix's as well.

They stood there in silence until Felix spoke kind of quietly "Can I get a long black with extra cream?"

Chan simply nodded before ringing them up "₩12,551,"

Jeongin handed Chan the money and he handed back the change "It'll be out shortly,"

With that Jeongin and Felix went and sat down at a table and started to chat more. It was obvious that Jeongin was teasing Felix for what happened.

Chan started to make Jeongin's white chocolate mocha and Felix's long black with extra cream. In around seven minutes he brought the cups of coffee to the boys.

"Thank you," Jeongin chimed, while on the other hand Felix just nodded as a thank you.

Chan placed Felix's coffee down and was about to leave when he heard Felix speak in english so nobody else could understand.

"Meet me at Han river, 6 o'clock, we need to talk," Chan didn't know how to react so he just nodded, although being a bit sceptical, and got on with his day.


Hi, I plan to make a new chapter every week, with some exceptions, good and bad. I hope you liked the first chapter to this story, I'm going to work hard on this.

Question of the chapter: Who's your bias? Mine's Chan cause I apparently have daddy issues!

Update: My bias has changed to Changbin :D

Update: My bias has changed to Changbin :D

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