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Mentions of abuse and bullying, if you're going through abuse and/or bullying please don't be afraid to speak up, it can help keep you safe and hopefully prevent any mental illness if you don't already have one.
I want to make sure that everyone here is safe because my profile is a safe space for everyone, and if you're going through something you can always talk to me because I'll listen to you. I know some people only need somebody to listen and if that's you, then remember that I'll be that person for you. I'm here for you.

The two ended up falling asleep in each other's embrace on Chan'a couch, although neither were complaining as long as they had each other by their side.

Chan woke up a couple hours later, his insomnia never failed him. He felt a light weight on his chest and saw his Felix. Yeah, his.

He softly sighed and gently played with the others hair. Chan didn't want to wake the younger up but it seemed like Chan was in a deep sleep.

The two went from sleeping in a sitting position to Chan laying down on his back and Felix resting on top of him.

Felix slept through the next little while until he started quivering.

Chan's hands made their way around Felix and into a gentle embrace "Does he still get those nightmares?" Chan thought.

As if Felix was his treasure, he is, he kept him close. Felix had a tight grip on Chan's shirt, but as soon as that grip was gone Chan looked to the younger to see him just opening his eyes. After a moment, Felix started it cry into Chan's chest, making tear stains on his shirt, while hugging him tightly.

Chan's hand went up and down the other's back while the other rested on his waist, "Shh, don't cry, Lix, you're okay, everything's okay, nobody's going to hurt you, you're completely safe, baby." Chan spoke softly to the other and he heard the sobs of the younger start to quiet down. When Felix hurt emotionally it'd almost always made its way to Chan and he'd start hurting as well.

One of Felix's hands found their way into Chan's soft hair and the other found it's way around Chan's chest. Chan calmed him down.

"T-they still haunt me.." He stuttered as he held onto the elder tightly "E-every single night, I just wanna forget it, b-but I can't.."

They each remember the exact day Felix told his hyung, the day Chan promised to always be there for him, even if he wasn't actually there.

"It'll be alright, baby." Chan whispered softly so that way he wouldn't make Felix any more scared than he already was.

The adorable and sweet boy on top of him has been through so much but deserves the world. His Felix has been through bullying, abuse as well. And he just can't forget. He's only opened up to Chan, which is probably what hurt most.

Chan wished he could stop them but he couldn't, he knew he couldn't, the most he could do was be there for Felix when he was needed most. He even failed at that for 2 years. Felix was a reason he wished he had stayed.

Soon the tears had stopped flowing from his baby's eyes, and they were latched onto each other like their lives depended on it because they didn't want to loose each other. Not again. And Felix didn't want to loose Chan again, he only just got his boyfriend back.

Authors Note:
The word count I ended on was 599, is it sad that I've been working on this for nearly a week and that's all I got? Cause to me it sure is...
It also may or may not be the longest chapter I've written so far...
ALSO school's been hitting me hard.

Question Of The Chapter: I know it isn't SKZ related but I've been wondering, if you're on a diet and you eat some tacos, are you cheating on the diet or were you cheating on the tacos?

I'm actually curious about people's answers cause to me, you're obviously cheating on the tacos!

I'm actually curious about people's answers cause to me, you're obviously cheating on the tacos!

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Kinda in love with this pic ngl

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