Chapter Five

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You were startled awake by the door to your cell opening. You looked over to the door and saw Bumblebee walking in quickly and quietly.

"What do you want, bug?" you asked as you sat up.

:Come with me:, he whispered.

You furrowed your optic ridges. "Why should I?"

:You want to see your brother again, don't you?: he asked. :I'm helping you escape.:

Your optics widen. "But... won't you get in trouble?"

Bumblebee shook his helm. :I'm going to sound the alarm as soon as you get to the main room. So hurry.:

You nod and he quickly pulled out your weapons from his back. Your gasped and placed them where they normally go. "Thank you", you whisper quietly. "You were the best part of my stay here, bu- Bumblebee."

Bumblebee's eyes fluttered with happiness before he stepped aside and let you get past. You quickly moved towards the main room where you saw the ground bridge controls. Ratchet was nowhere in sight. You heard yelling coming from the hall, and recognizing it as Bumblebee raising the alarm. You quickly typed in random coordinates and opened the ground bridge. You were about to go through it when you heard several footsteps clattering into the main room. You grinned at them, and saluted before darting through the ground bridge, it closing soon after you went through. Another bridge opened up soon after and out came several Decepticons, as if they were prepared for this. Your optics widened when you saw your brother among them. You raced through the vehicons and wrapped your arms around your brother.

"Next time, make sure I'm out of the mine before blowing it up!"

Starscream stuttered before hugging you in return. He laughed quietly but it soon stopped once another groundbridge portal opened. The Autobots came through, aiming their weapons at the Decepticons. You instantly pulled up your sword and was about to charge when your optics caught Bumblebee's. They were scared. You sigh softly before putting you sword back on your hip.

"Starscream, let's go home", you whisper. Starscream nods and leads you through the ground bridge and you were back in the familiar place of the Nemesis. You smiled happily and found yourself admiring the dark beauty of it.

The Autobot base was brighter, but this place was home. Though there was one bot you knew you were going to miss and that was Bumblebee.

"Sister, what is on your mind?"

You blinked at Starscream's voice and shook you head. "Nothing of importance, brother."

Starscream glanced at you but didn't argue. "Then let me introduce you to the medic I procured in your absence."

"Medic?" You asked with a confused smile.

"Indeed. Knockout and his assistant Breakdown. Hopefully they are not out at this moment", Starscream muttered. You laughed quietly as you walked beside your brother to the medbay. Luckily, there were two bots inside. One a sleek, shiny red bot, who obviously really cared about his finish, the other a big bulky blue bot with yellow optics.

"Knockout, Breakdown, I'd like you to meet (Y/N)", Starscream says proudly. You shook with quiet laughter at the way he said it. Breakdown jumped, not having heard you come in, and nearly whacked Knockout in the face.

"Breakdown, be careful!" Knockout shrieked. "You nearly scratched.. my... finish..." he trailed off ad he noticed you and you found him staring at you with awe.

You chuckled lightly.

"It's nice to meet you Knockout, Breakdown", you greeted politely.

"It's nice to meet you too, (Y/N)", Breakdown answers. He looks over to Knockout, only to find that he was still staring at you. You were starting to feel slightly uncomfortable. Breakdown nudged him and he jumped.

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