Chapter Nine

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You were practicing moving your servos when Bumblebee came into your cell. You smile at your friend.

"Hey, Bug", you say. His wings go up slightly and you knew he was smiling behind his mouth guard.

:Hey, (N/N).: he whirled at you. :How are you doing?:

"I'm able to move my servos a lot more! Maybe I'll be able to walk soon!"

Bumblebee nodded before pausing in thought for a moment.

:Do you want to try to walk today?:

You grin at him. "You'd let me?!"

Bumblebee shakes with laughter. :Yeah. You can support yourself with your servos now and you've been able to move your legs quite a bit so the next step is to make sure you can put weight on your pedes now.:

You smile. In the month and a half you had been here, you had felt more welcome than on the Decepticon warship. You missed your brother of course, but you had also created a couple new friends, like Bumblebee, and surprisingly Arcee and Ratchet. Well, Ratchet was iffy. But you were slowly allowed to come out of your cell more and more often, though someone had to carry you. (That was Bumblebee most of the time.)

:You ready to take your first step in a month and a half?: Bumblebee asked.

You nodded but was a bit nervous yo stand up. Bee chuckled. :Don't worry. I'm here to help you. I won't let you fall.:

You smile at him, and, with the help of Bumblebee, stand up. You grin at him, and take a shaky step forward, almost falling in the process. However, Bumblebee caught you and you instantly felt embarrassed. If you were a human, you knew you would be blushing like crazy.

Yes, the humans had taken a liking to you. They weren't allowed near you, but you were able to converse with them at times. You were especially close to little Raf. That was probably due to his guardian being one of your only friends in the Autobot base. There were times you wished you could stay with the Autobots, but you knew as a Decepticon that that could never happen.

Bumbleber helps you straighten, being a little tense himself, not expecting to have to hold most of your weight.

"Sorry, Bug. This might take a little longer than we anticipated", you chuckle nervously.

Bumblebee only smiled. :It's fine. It means I get to hold you closer than normal.:

He almost dropped you out of embarrassment. You were certain that your spark was about to burst out of your chest at that. You tried to calm yourself down as you hid your face from him.

:I mean-! Sorry! That's not what I meant! I meant that this allows me to spend more time with one of my closest friends...: Bumblebee quickly explains. You smile softly, though you know he couldn't see it.

"It's okay, Bug. I understand what you meant. It'd be kind of awkward between us if we started liking each other right?" You laughed nervously.

Bumblebee laughed nervously as he agreed with you. It drifted off into an awkward silence as you tried to figure out what to say next.

"Right! Well, shall we keep getting me to walk?" you ask, avoiding looking your bu- er, Bumblebee in the optics. Bumblebee nodded and you found yourself taking small steps forward with the help Bumblebee. Soon, you were able to walk all on your own, though your legs did grow tired very quickly. You had to rest on the floor for a while and during that time, you and Bumblebee joked around. Raf came and joined you and Bumblebee to tell you about some of his experiences when he gets stuck on a mission with the Autobots. He doesn't mind doing background stuff like ground bridge controls but when he's out on the field, he gets really scared. You smile at him softly.

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