Chapter Seven

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You were again assigned to watch the medbay while Starscream and Knockout did something. For some reason, Starscream didn't seem to trust you anymore, and you weren't entirely sure why. He didn't know about your meetings Bumblebee already did he? You hadn't talked to Bumblebee in a few days anyway, due his last message. He said he would call you, and that's why you hadn't tried to contact him. You were starting to get worried though. Maybe the Autobots found out and forbade him to ever talk to you again. You hoped that wasn't the case.

You heard yelling coming from down the hallway, and you were about to exit but was stopped by the sudden appearance of Bumblebee. Your optics widen.

"Bug, what are you doing here?" you ask. He doesn't answer and instead, shoved you to the side and started to attach the cortical psychic patch to himself and to Megatron's unconscious body. You also noticed a dark purple shard in his hand, and instantly recognized it as dark energon. What was Bumblebee doing?

Your wings fluttered nervously, and you watched in fright as someone else came barging in. The Autobot medic as well as one of the small humans. What was Ratchet thinking, bringing a human along. You watched in confusion as the medic fought against the bug, not understanding what was going on. It was only when the young human tried to stop Bumblebee and said, "As much as I want you to leave Bumblebee's body, I can't let you go back to your own!", that you understood what was going on. Megatron escaped from his mind into Bumblebee's and was now using him to get back into his own body.

You froze, trying to think of what would be the best thing to do in this situation.  There wasn't much you could do now that Bumblebee/Megatron had plunged the dark energon shard into Megatron's silver chassis. You watched as a purple glow came from his chassis and slowly disappeared. You watched as the giant hole in his chassis fixed itself and you watched as he rose from the berth.

"My lord", you instantly kneel. He only scoffed.

"I'll deal with your betrayal once I deal with Starscream's", Megatron growled. Your helm shot up as you stare at him in shock.

"B-betrayal?" you stutter. "W-what betrayal?"

Megatron merely glanced at you. "I know that you have been in cahoots with your brother from the beginning, (Y/N). There is no point in hiding it. I know you both want me dead for the deaths of your brothers, and of Starscream's trine. However, you were merely a tool to Starscream in his betrayal, hence why your punishment will not be as harsh."

Your optics widen before you bow your helm again. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you, my lord."

"Quit groveling. And destroy these Autobots."

"As you wish, my lord", you whisper before standing as soon as he left the room. You were shaking in terror as you turn to face the Autobots.

"Go", you whisper. "Save yourselves. I will take whatever punishment Megatron has for me in letting you escape."

Bumblebee shakes his head. :Come with us:, he whirls, his optics watching you with fear. It wasn't fear for himself, no, but fear for you.

"Bug, I can't", you say. "I have to stay with my brother, in case he does something stupid... and I know he will."

Bumblebee pauses before walking over to you and pulling you into a hug.

:I'll contact you later:, he whispers, before taking off with his human friend and the medic. You watch as they go and wait in the medbay for Megatron to return. You knew Bumblebee would probably get in trouble for having been in contact with you, but it seemed that he did not care anymore. You didn't know what to do. You knew that you had to keep it a secret from cons, lest you wanted Megatron's wrath upon you.

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