Chapter Sixteen

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It was black. There was no light shining anywhere. And then... a small prick of light, in the distance. You starting walking towards it, the light growing larger the further you went.

In a few seconds, the light almost surrounded you and you couldn't walk forward anymore. You paused and jumped when you hears a voice.

"SISTER!" two loud voices cried. You turned to look and grinned when you saw Thundercracker and Skywarp. You bounded towards them, aiming to hug them, but they stopped you by taking a couple steps back.

"If you touch us", Thundercracker explains, "you will join us in the Allspark."

"And from what we've seen of the world you're on now, you've made several family and friends that love and care for you", Skywarp added.

Thundercracker smiled teasingly. "Especially that little bug that you seem to like so much."

You ducked your head in embarrassment. "Shush", you say, trying to silence them.

"Hmm... what would their ship name be?" Skywarp asked, ignoring you as he turns to your other brother.

Thundercracker thinks for a moment before grinning. "It would be (ship name)!"

You groaned as you covered your face. "I'm so glad Bumblebee's not here..."

"He's with you right now! Well your body anyway. He's really scared for you."

"You can see him?" you asked curiously. Skywarp smiles softly.

"Yeah", he murmurs. "You won't be able to unless you join the allspark with us, but that day is not today. Ratchet is doing his best to heal you."

"Is... is Bumblebee saying anything?" you ask quietly. Your brothers smirk.

"Oh, he's saying plenty of things, though they aren't very nice things. He's yelling at Ratchet, telling him that if you don't survive, he will kill Ratchet in the most gruesome way possible", Thundercracker grins. You roll your eyes and look to Skywarp.

"Is Bee really saying that?"

Skywarp nodded and your eyes widened. "My innocent little Bee is threatening to kill the medic if I don't survive?"

"Your?" Thundercracker teased. You shake your head.

"Oh shut up you", you mutter at him. He laughs before going quiet as he watches something just past you. You turn and see nothing and wait patiently for him to say something.

"(Y/N), Bumblebee is really worried for you. Ratchet had to send him out of the medbay because of all his threatening and now no one dares to go near him. I think... I think you need to wake up", Thundercracker murmurs quietly.

You frown, this being one of the few times Thundercracker was ever serious.

"But I want to talk to you guys more", you say softly. Skywarp smiles comfortingly.

"You can stay until Ratchet is done working on your body, but then you have to go back", he says, his optics soft. You smile softly and use whatever time you have left in this place to converse happily with them. However, it didn't last as long as you would have liked.

"Alright, sister, Ratchet is done with your body", Thundercracker says.

"He's been done for a while", Skywarp  rolls his eyes. "You just seemed to be so happy talking to us, and we really missed you, so we let you stay a little longer."

"How much longer?" you ask curiously. Skywarp and Thundercracker get a guilty look on their face.

"Time goes much slower here than it does there. It's been almost a month since you were shot..." Skywarp answers. Your optics widened.

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