Everything is new..

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Amy's POV:

It's 17 of November.It's been a week since my diagnosis.We already had been by the doctor talking about my therapy.Since this day everything has changed.My parents and siblings treat me different-They bring me stuff,ask me all the time if i'm alright and they won't let me alone.My health also changed much,i have to vomit very often and sleep very much.I can't work for a long time because my bones hurt so much.Mum called Grandma the day after the diagnosis and she flow from New York to California just to be there for me.Also my brother Mike and his girlfriend are now all the time home.I love them but they don't have to do this!I don't know if i will make it,but i try,i fight against this cancer.God helps me!

Today is the day of my first Chemotherapy.I woke up at 6am.I am a bit terrified and lucky that i'm not alone.Mum didn't go to work today because of the Chemo.I told her she didn't have to because there are so many people that can come with me,but she isistend.Now i'm happy that she came with me.Also Lisa and Grandma went with me.In the car,everyone was trying to kept me calm.Lisa hold my hand and Grandma and Mum said i will make this!I just said stuff like:mhm,it's alright..

We arrived at the hospital and my heart begans to race very fast.I read alot of it the last few days and it wasn't very positive.We sat there for a moment till Lisa said we should go in.At the reception the sister was very friendly and showed us the room.

Sister:Here it is.You can sit down,the doctor will arrive every minute.


The sister left.

Mum:It's okay to be scared,baby!

Me:I know,i just read so much horrible things.

Mum:It don't have to be the same at you!

I nodded.The doctor entered.

doctor:Hello Amy!Hello ms.cimorelli and ehm?

Grandma:I'm her Grandmother.

Lisa:I'm Lisa,her sister.

Doctor:Alright.So i am gonna to explain some things.You know we do it ambulant so you can leave after the Chemotherapy.I put an infusion into your veins.In the infusion are cytostatic.The Chemotherapy takes about 4 hours and it could happen that you have to vomit.You know you have to come from now every 3 weeks and sometimes a radiotherapy.So what time is it now?Ah 11 o'clock so you're ready at 15 o'clock and it's best of you stay till 15:30.

Mum:Okay,thank you.

Doctor:Okay Amy please sit down on this bed so we can start.

I sat down.Lisa stand beside me holding still my hand.I'm really scared at the moment and glad she is here.The doctor said 1,2,3 and then i felt a stitch in my arm and the infusion was in.

Doctor:I have to go now but if somethings wrong or you have question just call me.Otherwise a sister will come here every hour.

At first we sat there awkwardly and noone said something.Then Grandma started to tell funny stories when we were kids and everyone laught.She just kept going and i had to say it really helped and i forgot that i was sick and that i could die.We just talked,talked and talked until a sister came in and we noticed that a hour passed already.She checked everything and then left again.After 3 hours i began to feel sick.

Me:Mum i think i have to vomit.

Mum was a bit shocked:Oh okay baby.

Grandma helped her.She held a bowl up and said:I think this is for it.Here honey!

As it arrived in my hands i started to vomit.Not just a bit,very much.Lisa and Mum changed places and Mum stroked my back.She whispered in my ear.When i stopped for a minute i could see that Lisa had tears in her eyes and she and Grandma left for a moment.I guess it was just all to much for her.Since the day she was always there for me.She slept by my side when i need her.We talked much and i cried by her.Now she needs to cry for a moment and that's alright.

I vomitted a half hour.Then i layed down until i the Chemo was done.The sister came back and took the infusion out.We left around 15:30.In the car i slept.It wasn't as negative as the internet said but the last hour was like a horror show.And i remembered that this would happen often next time.

Lisa's POV: 

This was just too much.Saw her vomitting gave me the rest.The last days were so exhausting and standing there with Grandma was so liberating.In the car Amy slept all the time.She looked so weak.It's hard to see her like that.Home,Mike carried her in her bed because Dad worked and we don't want to ake her up.The others seem to do normal stuff but if you looked exactly you could see they waited for informations.I walked outside with Christina and Kath and told them about today.

Kath:so how was it?How did she do?

Me:She was really brief.She tried not to look scared but you could see it in her eyes.

They nodded.

Me:at first everything was alright.The doctor explained everything and the Chemo started.We talked about funny kidstories.But after 3 hours she suddenly started to vomitting for like an half hour.It was so terrible that i had to left with grandma for 10 minutes.

Christina:Lisa i'm so sorry.It must be really tough.

Me:yeah it was but when i feel like  that  then how feels Amy?

Kath:It is a really hard time for all of us.Our complete life changed.

I nodded.

Kath:She will beat this cancer i know it!

Christina:Yes,God always cures the good ones.

I hope they will be right..I can't cope with losing my baby sister..I need her..

At this evening i prayed like 10 times that Amy is going to be cured.

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