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Lynne's POV:

4 days after Dani's Birthday we had to commit Amy in the hospital.She couldn't stand,eat or speak anymore.She was to weak for this stuff.Although it was hard i knew it was the end and now i shouldn't think of myself and be there for my kids.Everyone knew that Amy will die in these days but noone really understands it.The younger kids always sleep with me and you could hear Christina,Kath or Lisa crying in their bedrooms.

It's 4pm and everyone gets ready.We wanted to visit Amy.Actually i wanted to visit her alone but the kids insisted.So we all go.

Me:Girls will you pack a bag with stuff for Amy?

Christina:Sure Mum..

Kath's POV:

Me:What should we pack in?

Lauren:Jogging clothes,her mobile..i dont know.

Lisa:Maybe i could give her my Ipod with the Cimorelliband songs?

Me:Thats a good idea Lise!So she has us by  her side..

Dani:You think she is able to read?

Christina:I don't think so Dan..Yesterday she could barely open eyes and reading excluded.

Then there was an awkward moment of silence..

Me:Wanna know my favorite memory with Amy?Whenever Amy and i turned on the music we just spazzed out and danced energetically.So fun!

Christina immediately joined:Mine is just going to Barnes and Noble with her.We felt so intelligent but it was also amazing!I miss this times..

Lauren: I remember how she always made me laugh,no matter what happend.Actually she was so bubbly but she once told me she didn't want to be like this every time,she said sometimes she wanted to be an  introvert and spent time on her own..

Dani:I get it,sometimes i feel the same..Once i think i was around 8 and so amy was 13.Lauren and Alex were about to pass Amy's height at this time so i told her that i promised to never over grew her but she took my hands and for the first time she told me about her Turner Syndrom and that there is no problem with passing her,that its natural.She said she wants that i will be 6 feet tall and i promised again..Its not really a story but it was such an emotional moment and we were so close in that moment..

Me:Dani that was a beautiful moment and if this is you favorite moment it is okay!Lisa?

Lisa coughed.:I'm sorry i guess i don't have a favorite moment with Amy.I loved every second with her and she was always my little sweet,giggely sister.My favorite time with her was the talking it was always so liberating!

Christina:I know that you were close ,Lisa.It must be tough.

Lisa:It is,but for all of us..

Lucie:Its really the end.

Dani:Over and Out..

Lauren's POV:

We all are on our way to the hospital.My sisters and I packed a bag for Amy and the younger boys draw pictures.Everyone wanted Amy to feel better.In the hospital Sister Daisy showed us her room. We knew Sister Daisy for a really long time now,she is Amy's nurse since the first Chemo.

Daisy:Here Ms.Cimorelli.If you or Amy need something call me!

Mum:Yes thanks,Daisy!

In her room Amy layed on her bed and looked out of the window.Mum walked by her side and stroked her hair.

Mum:Honey,everyone is here!How is you?

Amy turned her body and looked every single one of us in the eyes.She was pale and looked weak as never before.

Amy:Hey guys!You all look so worried!

Alex started laughing:You can't be serious?Our sister will die the next days and you say this!

Now Amy looked worried.:I'm gonna miss you guys,know that?

All siblings:We will miss you too!

Joey climbed to Amy.Joey:Ames?You won't be alone up there won't you?I don't want you to be alone!

Amy:No Joey,there will be Grandpa and alot of people that are there for me!And i will watch you all the time!

Joey smiled.

I came up with an idea.:Guise what about we're taking one last photo?

All my siblings loved the idea and everyone sat by Amy within seconds.Mum took the first photo,only from us siblings.

Amy:Luz,come one!You have to be on the photo also!

Luz joined us and we took the next photo.And in the perfect moment Daisy entered.

Mum:Uhm Daisy could you take a photo from us?


Amy's POV:

After the photos i layed down again.It was exhausting although i just sat there.

Me:Alex don't you have football?

Alex:I can play football my whole life.

I just gave him a lovely smile.He is my baby brother and i will miss him really badly!

I guess Mum noticed that i felt tired because she told my siblings to go get something to eat.Now i was alone with my Mum,my lovely mum.

Mum sat next to me and had tears in her eyes.She tried to pull them away.


Mum:Yeah honey?

Me:Try not to be so sad,yeah?

Mum:I can't promise this!

Me:Please try it!The other ones need you!

Mum:I know,i give my best!

Me:You do awesome!You are an awesome Mum!

Mum_Thanks,baby.Are you very sad?

Me:Not really.Of course i don't wanna be alone and i admit i'm a bit scared but i feel pain.Sometimes i can hardly bear it and i'm glad it will be over..I'm more scared that everyone will forget me and replace me.Lucie or my other friends...I'm sad that i never got the chance to have an own family and a husband..

Mum:Oh honey..It's so hard to die with sweet 17 years!Believe me i always ask God why he did this to us..YOu can't change it..But i promise you will be in our hearts forever,okay?

Me:Oookay..I will wait in heaven until everyone of you will be up there,but let me wait long time,its okay..

Mum:Okay darling and now close your eyes,i can see how tired you are!

I yawned.I was really very tired but i'm scared that if i close my eyes it will be the last time..

Me:You think i will wake up again?

Mum:You will.I don't know how much longer you have but you will wake up at least once more,promised!

I trust my Mum.I always did and she always was right.She's my Mum.The most important person in my life with my siblings and Lucie.


So this is the chapter before the last chapter!Comment and vote please!

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