Chapter 1 ~ New Beginnings

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  Have you ever promised yourself that you'll never fall in love again? Especially after your so-called "lover" cheated on you, and left. You cry out several nights asking God "Why me?"
Yet inside you hold a burning heart and mind full of anger. Many days have passed, and you may have gained your conscience back...... or gone back to toxicity.

               My "relationship" was all about toxicity and it started something like this...

  Saturday morning, I awakened in bed not feeling the desire to get up. My room is comfortably dark and cold. I reach for my phone next to me. I have no messages. No missed calls. Not even a social media notification. My phone is dead and boring. I finally got out of bed and opened the curtains for sunlight. As I came out of my room, I saw my sister coming out of her room at the same time. We raced straight to the bathroom. My sister pushes me into the wall and sprints to the bathroom. "Erica!!" I screamed. "Girl, I don't care, you can use Dad's bathroom," Erica says and slams the door. "Bitch!"

Today, I am going to see Sincere, my boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend. It's complicated. He called me to pick him up from jail at eight. I was so excited for him to finally be released after spending 2 months in jail. I met Sincere freshman year when we were both sent to detention for being late to class. He always made me laugh and I adored him. We immediately became best friends. We had multiple conversations about our future careers and living together. He hoped to be an architect and I wished to be a realator. One day, he told me he had a crush on me. After that, we started dating and became the typical "high school sweethearts."

That only lasted about 1 month after high school.

     I put on my sexy jumpsuit from Fashion Nova that reveals all my curves. I went to the mirror to fix up my makeup and hair.  My dad swings in my room. "You going to see that boy?"
"No. Can you please knock next time? What the fuck dad, you scared me."
"That boy is nothing but trouble. I don't know why you keep going back to him. I raised you better." Dad said shaking his head. "Dad, I love him and I am going to stick beside him. I am going to be there for him always. I'm leaving, bye. Love you."

Whew, that was close! As I walked towards my car, Erica jumped in front of me before I could open the door. "Where are you going sis?" "None of your business, what do you want?"
"I need a ride to see someone" she said with an innocent look on her face. "No, I am on the way to see someone too. So, please get out of my way." I pushed her out of the way and opened the door. She stared at me in anger as I pulled out of the driveway.

   Erica and I were close until she did degrading shit in high school. She's a snake! She told the whole school that I and Sincere had sex in the car almost every day before school. One day, we got caught and someone recorded it and posted it online. That's not all. They placed posters all over campus. The person of interest remains a mystery. I never forgave her after that. Now, we can't stop fighting.

I pulled into the parking lot of Central County Jail waiting for Sincere to come out. I waited for over 30 minutes. Then, he finally came out looking fine-ass hell with his shirt off showing the abs he built while he was in there. He had the biggest smile on his face. " Hey baby, get out of the car. I want to see you!" One thing about me is when my man tells me to do something, I'm going to do it. My love. My man. "I got you, babe!" I got out of the car. "Ay, you look good. Come here" he says as he begins kissing me. "Okay, we should go Sincere." I laughed. We got in the car and gazed at each other. We immediately started kissing and ended up having sex in the jail parking lot. After, we went to get fast food and I dropped him off at his mom's crib. I drove back to my dad's smiling and reminiscing about our night.

The next morning, I called Sincere to see what he was doing. No answer. "He must be asleep." Four hours have passed and it is now 2 pm. I called him again and no answer. Why is he not answering? Is he ignoring me? Two more hours passed and I finally received a text from him. "Aye, can I borrow 100 dollars?" What? After blowing his phone up he sends that text? "Okay Bae, I got you. Are you okay?" "Yeah, let me know when you are on the way to drop it" The last time he spoke to me in that manner he was cheating on me. Sincere has cheated on me multiple times with 6 women. I forgave him cause I loved him and I don't want to start over with anyone else.

I grabbed my keys from my dresser and drove to his house. Before I knocked on the door, Sincere opened the door. He must have seen me pull into the driveway. Every time I see him my stomach catches butterflies all over again. He reeked of the scented cologne I gifted him on his birthday last year. I leaned in to hug him. He didn't hug me back. "Hey, you doing okay ?" I said. He stared at me from head to toe and said "Does it look like I'm okay? So what? You got the money I asked for?" I shook my head and said "That's all you want from me? Money! You don't care about me, SINCERE! All you care about is yourself. You selfish...entitled fuck boy. You probably got a bitch in there. Last time I pulled up you were fucking one!" I put my hands over my mouth. I can't believe I just said that. But, I was fed up with him asking me for money all the time. "Girl stop tripping! Are you going to give me the money or not?" "No, fuck you!" I cried while walking away.

          That didn't go as I thought it would. I should've said "Yeah babe, I got your money" and maybe that would've ended on good terms. I wished I kept my mouth closed. I walked back to my car and started questioning myself "Should I just leave?" "Is he going to chase after me?" "Should I apologize?" I feel like a clown-ass bitch. I turned back around to apologize. "Wait!" I screamed. Before he closes his door. "Don't, I'm sorry here's..." Right after I was going to give him the money, a dark-skinned thick-bodied female with tattoos all over her body came out behind him. "Who's this babe?"

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