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HEY THERE MY LOVEIES <3 heres chapter 3 and i hope you guys enjoy it!

also i would like to dedicte this chapter to Chello_8898! if you are a GaLe or Nalu shipper or both go and check out her books! i hope u like this Chello!

anywho! on with the story!


Pain. She no longer knows what it’s like to feel pain, she’s grown immune to this feeling called "pain". Lifting her head up from the ground she looked up at the figure standing over her, arm raised with an object in its hands. The object the figure had used to beat her countless times over and over again. Her vision was blurred but she knew who this person was. Even though she knew it was her father that was inflicting these pains onto her, she couldnt find it in herself to hate him. There was nothing else she could do but love him.

"Go back to your room and get cleaned up. I don’t want to see your disgusting ass for the rest of the day" the figure spat as he dropped whatever was in his hands onto the ground and turned to walk away.

"Have I made myself clear Valynteania?" Silence. She couldn’t utter a single word.

"HAVE I MADE MYSELF CLEAR!?" the figure walked back over to her, grabbing and lifting her by the hair and staring into her face.

"y-yes father...i-i understand...” she was able to cough out the few words he needed to hear before he released her and finally walked away. Valynteania stayed laying on the ground, not wanting to move but she needed to get ready for school. Taking a deep breath she pushed herself off the ground and began to walk out of the room she was in. her body was tired but a good hot shower would make her feel better. Right? shaking the thoughts out of her head Valynteania made her way to her room to grab her towel and then to the bathroom down the hall. Since her vision was still a bit blurry she couldn’t really make out objects. From time to time she bumped into a table until she finally made it to the bathroom. "Today’s going to be a very long day" she said to herself as she stripped off her ripped clothing and stepped into the scorching hot shower.

30 minutes and possibly hundreds of gallons of hot water later, Valynteania had finished her shower and was slowly making her way back to her room. Her legs felt like dead weight beneath her and it seemed all the more impossible to walk her way back to her room.

‘Shouldn’t have taken that long of a shower....’ she thought to herself as her vision once again became hazy and she felt too weak to walk any further. Leaning her arm against the wall she continued to walk but was stopped short when she tripped over a piece of rug that was sticking up from the ground. With a couple of unpleasantly nice words and tumbles here and there she lay on her back facing the ceiling. She heard her name being called out and someone yelling for the pack doctor. She wanted to tell them it was nothing and that she was alright, but the darkness that had tried to consume her earlier returned ten fold until she was completely uncouncious.


“What the hell happened? Why is she like this!?” a voice yelled out very upset. You could feel the anger coming of the person in waves and it was suffocating Valynteania. She let out a loud gasp as she sprung upward into a sitting position. Her hands where immediately at her head when she felt it pounding and let out a curse word or two. Blinking a few times her eyes finally adjusted to the room she was in. An IV was connected to her arm and a breathing mask was on her face.

‘What happened?..’ she thought to herself as she took out the IV and stood up. Not thinking about whether he legs would be strong enough she ended up falling to the floor and pulled own the IV stand in her wake. The door to the room she was in flew open and running in came Ryouta and Dr. Moore.

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