2. Motherhood

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It has been four days.

Four has passed since my mother left me in this place. I remember when she told me to stay here and be a good boy because she will buy some food for us. But she never came back. I did what she told me, I stayed. I keep telling myself that my mother will come back for me. I'm worried about her - what if something bad happened to her? 

But I know, my mother will return for me. She said she loves me before she went away. She gave me her bracelet so that I can remember her everytime but some thugs snatched it away from me and then I met this very kind boy who saved me from them. 

He was really brave and intelligent. He was also very confident with himself. I aspire to be like him. He was very nice and kind to me. He gave me food and really took good care of me. He said that we will see each other again. I cannot help not to smile thinking of him. I clutch at the silk cloth that he gave to me. I promised to myself that I will take care of this because it means so much to him and I will return it in a good condition the moment we see each other again. 

I look around the area again, hoping to see if my mother is already back. It is dark already and there are only few people left who are walking around. 

Then I heard the sound of thunderstorm. I made a quick nervous movement as my reaction. It is followed after by a strong breeze of wind. It feels like it's going to rain. There is no shed around so I run towards a huge tree and sit under its thick brances, hoping it helps me not to get wet of the possible rain. 

After a minute, heavy rain pours down the dark sky. I shiver as I finally get wet. Lonely and abandoned, my chest gets heavy and I end up crying. I don't know what to do anymore and I feel so empty all throughout. I tremble convulsively due to the sudden cold and how badly I cry at the moment. 

There is an extreme disconsolation burried inside of me. 

"Mother! Someone is here!" I lift my head up and found a boy standing right in front me. He holds a small umbrella as he looks at me with a concern on his eyes. A woman approaches us after and she quickly shed her umbrella to me. "He is freezing, mother. We should help him." the boy tells her mother.

The woman turns to me and she soak my wet hair. He gaze at me dearly and a deep dwell on her face. "Where are your parents? Why are you alone here, it's raining," she asks me concerningly. Her voice is calm and soothing. "It's very dangerous for you to be here..."

"I'm waiting for my mother." I answer, sobbing. "I've been waiting here for 4 days already. I can't leave the place because she might return and... I just want my mother to return. I'm worried for her. Maybe something happened to her and..." my voice trailed off. I am starting to panic. "My mother..." 

"Calm down. Don't worry, we will look for your mother okay?" the woman comforts me. "You should come with us at our home. You'll get sick with the rain and cold." I shake my head. What if my mother returns and I am not here? 

"I'm not leaving..." I say. 

"I'm sure your mother will understand. She won't let you stay here in this kind of weather." the woman tells me. "We can come back tomorrow here, if you want you. What important is you are safe." 

"You can stay with us for the meantime. My mother is nice and a good cook!" the boy chirps in. There's a huge smile on his face. 

"It will be okay, dear." the woman sincerely tells me.

Meanwhile, back in the Royal Palace.

"No! Get out of my way!" I yell at the royal guards who are standing in front of me. They remain stoic, not meeting my strong gaze. I clench my fists in frustration, trying to make them move aside. "Are you not going to listen to my order? I am the Crown Prince and you should listen to my order!" I yell at them again with full authority. 

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