10. Remember Me

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10. Remember Me.

"Keep this for me." I tell him. The boy looks at me curiously. I suddenly remember the necklace that I manage to keep from my pocket. I get it and show it to him. "I will keep this precious necklace of yours and you will keep that for me. Both items means so much for the both us so we need to take care of it, okay? And we will meet again here at this exact place next full moon. This will be serves as our meeting spot." I instruct him.

My eyes open like two flashlight beams, the new temporal inserts providing enough light to illuminate whatever I look at. My chest rising and falling rapidly, my head slightly pounding - giving me a light ache.  After a second or two, I get up from the mattress, my breathing heavy that it feels like I'm having a heart attack. 

"Who's that boy?" I breathed out in confusion. 

 My mind is a total roadblock of sorts, or perhaps a screen that reaches from ground to sky, because I have no sense of it. My memories are something close yet hidden and it frustrates me knowing  in that moment I cannot fathom what it could be.

 After a few minutes of staring blankly out of nowhere, I decided to step out of the small room that directs to the tiny living area. 

Nine, I believe that was his name - is already setting the food on the table. I look around to look for his brother, Earth, but he's nowhere to be found. 

"Hey," Nine greeted me. He looks timid - he always looks timid. He look so vulnerable and fragile to look at... like a mimosa plant. I stare at him briefly, it's hard to get his attention under his mop of black hair that dominates his pale face, there are eyes in there somewhere.

"Hey..." I managed to response. I watch his as fumbles his fingers as if he's thinking of something to say at him. 

"You should eat breakfast." he said to me before sitting on the floor quickly. I simply walk towards the mini-table and sit on the floor and started to eat the meal he prepared. "I will be going to the market after our breakfast. Will you manage to be alone in here for a while?" he asked me as we eat. 

I lifted my head on him, my brows arching up. I gently nodded my head as a response. "I... I don't mind at all." I said quietly. 

Nine just smiles at me and then he goes back eating his meal. I take a pause momentarily before turning at him again. "Can I go with you instead?" I asked him. 

"A-Are you sure? You might not still feeling well." Nine asked me with a worried expression on his face. 

"I'm already good." I answered to him. "I think... I need to get outside from sometime. It might help for me to remember something." I added. 


The crowd has a life of its own, the dull clothes shine in the morning light and the people move like enchanting shoals of fish. There is chatter between sellers and buyers, housewives hustled and bustled, and haggled over the price of the exotic fruits and other imported merchandise. It's busy for sure, but the hustle and bustle brings a life to this city I wouldn't want to be without.

Market stalls lined the route, and I paused for a moment to survey the flamboyant scene, and observe the milling throng. I simply follow Nine to everywhere he goes, studying the place, listening to other's conversation. 

There's this strong feeling inside me that this is my first time being in here - or to witness this kind of crowded place. 

From time to time, Nine is looking back at my direction to check on me. He will give me a small smile which I find very amusing. The crowd is a river of people, everyone moving in the same direction. We move not like pebbles in a jar, but like water molecules flowing smoothly past one another

Meanwhile, Prince Benjamin is roaming around Hanyang.

"Is this your first time being here, Your Highness?" First Rank Officer Dome asked me as we walk around the busy place of Hanyang. 

"Yes," I replied to his question quietly. My eyes are too busy looking around. To say I feel drown in crowds makes as much sense as  I feel the energy of each person in the crowd moves as if unseeing hands drag them this way and that, pulling their eyes to one thing and then another.

 "How is Chief Officer Pavel, is he doing good now?" I cared to ask. 

"Healing process is fast, he will managed to get back to his duty in a day or two." he answered back. 

"That's good to know." I nodded my head, thankful by the improvement. I keep looking around the area, observing everything that is happening. A lost child wailed for his mother, a man frantically searched for his missing dog, shopkeepers screamed out offers on the top of their voices to attract customers and customers desperately tried to bargain for the best possible prices.

The sun mercilessly shone down upon the market. Beads of sweat glistened on everyone's forehead and many faces turned red due to the sweltering heat. As I take a turn, my eyes landed on a familiar figure standing in one of the stalls. He is wearing the same dull clothes as others in the market. His back is facing me yet I can tell the way his body moves, his gestures...

Then he move a little bit, revealing the side feature of his face. 

His tousled dark brown hair, which was thick and lustrous. His eyes were a mesmerising deep brown eyes, flecks of silvery light performed ballets throughout. His face was strong and defined, his features molded from granite. 

"Brother?" I mouthed.

I am ready to take a  swift leap into his direction but the I was I couldn't move properly as sea of people started to block my way and view. 

"Brother!" I shouted amidst the hustle, pushing my way against them and bumping into anyone that crosses my way. "Brother!" I shouted again, hoping he can hear my voice. 


double update because i'm BACK!!!!

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