Ch1: Confusing times

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Crystal was in a daze. Her baby arriving,her husband panicking,the doctors scurrying around like lost mice and her coworkers squealing of joy from the news of her pregnancy tired her out. She was never one to express much emotion except when she was pretending but this time she was absolutely exhausted. It did hurt but she accepted it.

When her water broke she didn't feel pain. She felt numb. When her worried husband was called from work to hear his wife was having the baby now he was a wreck. He was panicking and rushing and was acting not like his calm and profession self. Crystal found it all hilarious and was laughing the whole way to the hospital. When she went into the delivery room however and actually had to push that's when she felt it. She didn't scream bloody murder she just bit her lip and breathed heavily. She was silent throughout most of the birth. No surprise.

Gregory secretly had always loved surprises so he asked the doctor if they couldn't know the babies gender until birth. Crystal didn't give a shit about her baby's gender. As long as it becomes just like her she's fine.

Crystal was alone in the hospital room,holding her new baby boy. They already had some names picked. Her husband said if it was a girl we would call it: Maria,Eliza or Mika. If it was a boy they would call it: Darren,Miles or Noah. Crystal didn't care what her baby was called but 'Miles' did catch her interest a bit so they stuck with that.

She looked down at the baby who was staring right back up at her. He looked like a exact splitting image of both of his parents. No doubt this was there kid for sure, though one thing did confused Crystal. Gregory had deep coffee coloured eyes while Crystal had beautiful and pretty green eyes while miles had shiny white eyes. Not brown nor blue just pure white and a tad bit of grey. The doctors and nurses were quite confused and tried to check on the baby if anything was wrong with it but crystal snapped at them if they tried touching miles so they eventually backed off from her.

As she remembered all the events that happened in the last 24 hours the little miles began to squirm

He looked uncomfortable and kind of scared

"What's wrong?" Crystal asked with a deadpan expression which scared the little baby more

He finally stopped squirming and looked up at her amazed but with a tad bit worried in his expression too.

"Well..uh..this is quite strange.." crystals admitted out loud. She felt stupid talking to a baby which was born just a few hours ago. She sighed heavily and held the baby close to her.She never liked kids. She pretend she adored them but they were all snotty little brats to her. But this..she felt like she needed to protect him. She wasn't even sure if she liked him. But she just had this feeling that this is her baby boy. She absolutely hated it and tried ignoring the feeling to examine the baby more.

His eyes were half closed now,looking like he was about to go sleep but didn't want to.

"Come on Crystal..this is your kid..your new clone of you who will take your place when your not arou-" she shut her mouth as she looked around the room to check for the 1000th time no one could hear her or see what she was doing.
She sighed finally relaxing for the first time in years.

"I'm stupid. I'm talking to a baby. A infant who can't do anything other then blabber,eat and sleep. Im a bloodthirsty criminal for crying out loud and I don't even know how to talk to a BABY!" Crystal whisper-yelled at herself as she mentally face palmed.

A few minutes of silence pass as it was interrupted by a loud slam of the door.

"Crystal! Are you alright?" Gregory asked with two bags of baby equipment with a scared look on his face

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