[TaeTee/SBFive] Noise

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Introduction: Pairing name -> TaeTee [ForthBeam] = Tae Darvid [Forth Jaturapoom Jamornkul]  (the one on the left) + Tee Jaruji [Beam Baramee Wongphipat] (the one on the right). One of the side pairing in 2Moons the series, Thai BL. Currently the member of boyband SBFive together with Bas Suradet, Copter Panuwat and Kimmon Varodom


"P'Kim!" A cheery voice called up to the leader of the group. The said leader looked up from his phone.

"What do you need, nong?" The leader asked simply when his eyes were back to the phone. The young guy pouted when he felt he was being ignored.

"I'm bored."

"Didn't you asking P'Tae out to play?"

"P'Tae changes his mind. P'Kim~ let's go out na?"

"I'm tired, Bas." Kimmon patted Bas's head. "Go ask Copter." Bas sighed.

"He already gone since morning."


"P'Tee..." Bas huffed. "P'Tee is the reason why P'Tae bailed on me." Kimmon blinked before forming an O.

"Awh, poor you." Kimmon patted the head again. Bas grunted.

"I'm not a pet!" Kimmon guffawed.

"I know." Kimmon stared at Bas for a while. "Anyway, I'm still lazy to go out because I want to sleep. You need to find someone else." Bas sighed.

"I hate everyone." Bas pouted and pretended to sulk. Kimmon just shook his head.

"Do you need me to call you someone?"

"No need." Bas got up and grumbled, muttering while he walked away. Kimmon just smiled lightly, he knew Bas wasn't really sulking with him. That guy will be fine after some time.

'Must be in a fight with his P' again.'

Kimmon was back to his phone and yawned for a moment later. He exhaled and plugged in his earphone. He decided to sleep. The practice for their tour and roadshow stages they had been going in these two weeks were taking a toll on him and he reached his limit today. He badly needed a rest and just nice it's their one free day after the packed schedule.

He was sleeping peacefully until he was awake by the sounds from the next room. It was that loud that he managed to catch it even when he was wearing the earphones. "What's that?" Kimmon sighed heavily as his deep sleep was disturbed. He sat on the bed and tried to listen again. The next sound made him cursing loudly and increasing the volume of the songs. He tried with all his will to sleep back.

On the other hand, in the next room. Two figures plastered on the wall with one of them, the shorter one sandwiched by the other and the wall. "You dare to leave me all alone, huh?"

"Am not, baby- oh fuck yes Tee, baby." Tee made a face as he fastened his hand, rubbing their hard-on together firmly.

"You dare to lie, P'Tae?" Tee warned while gripped on Tae's. Tae gasped a little, noticing the malice in the voice. He noticed Tee is upset.

"It's not a lie. I was about to call you to join us." Tae whimpered as he felt uncomfortable under Tee's hold. He might be the one who had Tee in his cage but the one who had the power here is Tee.



"Don't baby me, you're being unfair." Tee hissed. Tae bit back his smile. He knew Tee had the soft spot of him calling Tee baby. And he will use that to his advantage. Tee glared at him when Tae leaned closer, breathing on his neck. Tee stopped himself from shivering and moved his hand. Tae moaned to the sudden delicious friction and that moan affected Tee in a way because it was on his ear.

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