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"Bezzy!" I was shocked when I heard my friend's shout. She is crying and she is running towards me! Ugh not again! We're here in the cafeteria all along with our other girl friends. Yes, you heard that. We are all girls and we're 10. She stop running until she reach our place. She's crying when she take her seat. 

"Hey what's the matter?" I asked her. She stopped crying and the sound you can only hear is her sob. 

"H-he broke up with me!" She finally said and started crying again. I move towards her and caressed her back. 

"Hush now Sarah. Who?" I asked her. 

"It's E-Edward." She said.

I felt my blood turned high again! That guy again! What was he up to?! He always make girls cry! and now my Friend! Oh no no. 

"Stop crying Sarah. I know what to do." I said to her. 

"No Ira. I still loved him." She said.

"What the?! You still loved him even if he hurted you?! They've gone too far." I said.

Get ready Edward Styles! I will make sure you're going to learn you lesson.

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Hi Guys! I know it's a crap. Anyways, comment, follow and vote Iloveyou! :)


I dedicate this to - Harry-sCupcake Wish Granted :)

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