(6) Nature's Crystallization

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She looked at her little skeleys, humming in satisfaction when they really didn't look like skeletons anymore. They will still forever be called that, however. To immortalize their early days and all that.

(The screams of rage and humiliation are said to still echo in the underground cavern. There are also rumors you can also hear little snickers in the background if you listen hard enough.

But that's a story for another time.)

"You guys are starting to look less like refugees and more like warriors! So..."

Everyone turned to look at their little master.

"We're splitting up!"

The campsite broke out in a series of cries.

"Don't leave us!"

"Don't go boss!"

"We swear we'll stop slacking off with the chores!"

Reina answered them with a deadpan expression.

"Look, somewhere that I have to go is too high level for you guys. Besides, you've learned all of the basics. Now you need to get out there and stop buggi- ahem, experience the world yourself."

Reina had taught them the basics of everything she promised to do, and even (forcefully) corrected their irritating speech patterns. When 'Operation! Blackmail the Fat Guy' was a go, they had to act as mysterious and threatening as possible. That also meant not acting like country bumpkins ignorant to the world. Of course, she spent the majority of their time together working on their bodies and magic.

But even Reina could only do so much. They only had the basics of the basics down pat, having spent the majority of the time eating filling meals in order to build muscle. They wouldn't even be able to survive the Trial of the Nameless.

"Oh and if you can, try to get some new recruits along the way."

Reina's gaze suddenly turned deathly serious.

"Before mentioning this at all, you must get be able to recite the incantation for voice recording inside your head. Don't make the mistake of trusting people right off the bat."

The nine skeleys were all taken aback by her solemn tone before nodding their heads in agreement. 

"Boss, when will you come back?" Nick spoke out slowly

Reina looked at Nick in contemplation.

"It could be anywhere from two to four months."

Reina was planning on doing the Trial of the Nameless, and checking out some random relic sites in the area with some good materials. Besides all that, she also planned on getting the requirements for the Dancer of the End job done ahead of time. When she got to the capital, she could just upgrade to it right then and there.

"I believe that we could start preparation for that  while you are gone, boss."

His eyes lit up with a faint challenging light, questioning whether Reina was in fact serious about her slightly insane proposal. Whether she truly was willing to go so far for the kingdom. His answer was a bloodthirsty grin.

"Why of course, I can't believe I almost forgot. Go wild!"

His lips didn't move, but his eyes gave away his excitement. It was time to repay all of his debts, in blood.


Reina walked with a satisfied gleam in her eyes. She had truly found a diamond in the rough with Nick. He wasn't a 'yes' man, and he wasn't stupid. He could be trusted to an extent with her plans. He had even subtly challenged her, without undermining her authority. It was a breath of fresh air to Reina. 

'However, he has ambition in those eyes of his. It's not necessarily bad, but it can bring its complications. Time will tell to what degree he can be trusted.'

Reina looked down at her fist, searching for scars that no longer existed. They still ached regardless.

'Yes, time will tell.'

Reina's head tilted upwards, trying to fully comprehend the height of the mountain. 

Natural mana flowed in abundance, calming the mind of all who visited. Abnormally sized sized regular animals cycled energy within their bodies instinctively. Trees of all shapes and sizes gulped down the fresh air, rich with mana. 

'The size of the nature's crystallization must be unimaginable. But, why didn't he take it? The estimated size of the crystal based on the environment must be one that forms once in a century. Even Bob couldn't have resisted its allure...'

Reina broke out in a cold sweat.

'Is that what his traps are powered by? He's insane! If he messed up the slightest bit...'

Images of countries wiped out from existence turning to ash within seconds come to mind. People dying by the thousands instantaneously. It was one thing to cautiously draw in the mana radiated from the crystal. It was another to integrate it into his traps. 

'It wouldn't have been the Demon Sovereign that brought the world to ruin.'

All Reina could do was breathe a sigh of relief. Had she been blinded by arrogance... The only thing to be happy about was that only the most basic level of traps would trigger. They wouldn't even be powered by the crystallization. 

In the foliage of a tree, a insect sat on the ground, unsuspecting of the predator behind it. The predator slowly inched forward without a single sound. Sensing that something was wrong, the insect slowly looked upwards. But it was too late. The razor sharp blades trapped the insect by its neck, before slowly eating its' face off, piece by piece.

AN: I actually watched a really gross video on YouTube for you guys. I watched a praying mantis eat bee's face off, along with its body. *shudders violently

Just record films of animals eating other animals, and you'll have prime horror movie material. Add some special effects, and BAM! Creepiest fudging thing ever.

And no, Reina is not going to eat someone's face off. Just no.

'It's time to take the first step to revenge.'

As the sun set, the only thing still visible was a row of pearly white teeth, gleaming within the darkness. Mana condensed in a whirlpool of purple, black, and silver. Silently, the figure now vaguely illuminated stepped into the chaotic mess of colors. The night returned to its noisy silence, the insect long forgotten.

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