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I am running extremely behind this morning, and it's stressing me out before I have even started the day. Without comprehending what I was doing, I turned off the alarm on my phone and was woken up to Brooks, hitting me in the head with a pillow. Always an excellent way to be roused from sleep. I can't say I'm disappointed, though. My dreams were overflown with melancholy memories of a past that holds me down like an anchor in quicksand, but I can't carry the weight of them along with me into a new day. Today is one of those days where I need to pull my shit together. Now. Only I know what is going through my mind baring the aching agony that I have woken up to, again and again, filling the capacity of my heart, soul, and entire being.

As Brooks gives me one more blow to the back, I roll over and tackle him, tossing him around and throwing the blanket over him.

"Have you had enough yet?" I ask while tickling him into a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

"Truce, mom! Truce!" Brooks calls out in between his roars and tears. "We are going to be late because you overslept."

I sit up on the bed, brushing my hair out of my face, "I'm up now. Go and brush your teeth and grab all the things you'll need for today. I'll be downstairs in ten minutes." I don't have time to do my morning routine, which requires a strong cup of coffee, but it will have to suffice. I put my running gear on along with a beanie and gloves that I will most likely strip off once my body warms up, and make my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and braid my hair into two braids.

Nancy had informed me that Cami had already left for school and handed me a sack lunch that she had prepared for Brooks, along with a black coffee in a paper cup she happened to have. We must be the same telepathic channels today. I don't know what I would do without her and am struck with a little of the "mom guilt" for waking up late and Nancy being the one to take care of my responsibilities. My subconscious forces me to toss the thought to the back of my mind and to be sure to show appreciation and gratitude for her help but not to make a habit out of any more capricious behavior.

Poppy is promptly waiting for me as we walk up to the school. "Good morning, you two. What a beautiful day it is for a run," she says, boisterously pointing to the sky. She is a real sight upon the eyes. Her tall frame is wearing cobalt blue athletic leggings, a white down athletic jacket, and white knit beanie. Every piece of her outfit looks like it's meant to be paired together. She probably went into a store and bought the apparel straight off the mannequin.

"You must be Brooks!" she exclaims, petting his hair with her hand like a cute puppy. "What a handsome lad you are. Now you make sure to be chasing all the girls away, they will get you into plenty of trouble later on." Brooks's face turns a bright shade of red and a look of pure disgust. Just the mention of girls had him embarrassed and repulsed. Can't say I'm not pleased by his reaction.

"Ew, girls are so gross," he says stubbornly. Poppy and I look at each other and laugh.

"That-a boy. Have a great day, and remember that you are riding with your friend Tom and his dad to soccer practice, but I will pick you up from there." I kiss him on the head and hand him his soccer bag. "I love you."

"Football mom," he dismissively reminds me. "Love you. See you later," he hastily runs off.

"I hope you weren't waiting for me for long. I had the worst sleep of my life and ended up turning off my alarm and oversleeping," I apologetically explain.

"I honestly just showed up right before you did. I was running a bit late myself." She bends down and places her hands around her ankles, stretching out her hamstrings. Oh my God, she's so flexible. "These children have to be up and ready too early in the damn morning. I miss the days of sleeping in as late as I want."

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