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"I can't believe you shagged him, Ro." Poppy exclaims all too loud and excited at high tea. "Did he give you fanny flutters?"

"Shhhh," I lower my head into my palms, attempting to disappear. Poppy has now included everyone in the tea house of my tantalizing escapades with Theo over the weekend. "It was unexpected, which made it even better, and yes to the second question. whatever that is, I'm sure it's a yes."

"This is so exciting. Do you think you'll see Theo again?" Poppy asks, taking a dainty bite out of her cucumber sandwich.

"I'm seeing him tonight, in fact. We are going bowling with another couple," I reveal, taking a sip from a floral porcelain cup.

Poppy insisted on me experiencing my first high tea after a long and productive day of shopping. I found presents for everyone, and the stores even gift wrapped them for me, which leaves me with Christmas shopping completed, except for Poppy. I still have time before Christmas to find her something, although shopping for her might be challenging since she buys herself everything she needs already. I did, however, spot a funny mug in one of the gift shops we went into, and it reminded me of Ben, so I bought it. It says, My daily cup of employees tears, which I found hilarious, and I believe Ben will too.

"You have a date tonight?" Poppy squeals. "Are you any good at bowling? I find the sport dreadful, and don't get me started on the trainers they force you to wear," Poppy has a look of disgust spread across her face. She shifts in her chair, retrieving a scone from a tray tower with various pastries and sandwiches placed between us.

"Believe it or not, I'm a great bowler," I laugh. I was rather excited when Theo texted me this morning, letting me know what bowling alley to meet them at. Since I am going after the kids are asleep, I'll be meeting them there. "The only thing to do on the weekends in the town I grew up in was a bowl. So when I turned sixteen, I got a job there, and when I wasn't working, that's where my friends and I would hang out every weekend and sometimes after school."

"So, you're a bloody wizard with balls then?" Poppy asks, while I try to hold back chocking from her comment, which coincidentally causes me to dribble tea out of my mouth. "That sounded naughtier than I thought it would," but she looks more proud of herself than concerned.

"I'm no Harry Potter, but they are going to have a run for their money," I admit.

"Can I get your opinion on something?" Poppy inquires. Her face becomes stoic and troubled, becoming more sullen than I have ever witnessed her before.

"Of course, what is it?" A pit of concern grows within my stomach for my friend. I'm all too familiar with this very look.

"Wells came home late and arse-faced a couple nights ago. He told me he had a business meeting, but when he can home, his wedding ring was in his pocket. So once he was asleep, I turned into Sherlock Holmes, and I went through his phone. There was an actual fucking picture of him with another slag, " Poppy sighs, and that's when I notice the dark bags that linger underneath her eyes. They are purposely hidden underneath a heavy amount of concealer. I would go and punch Wells in the fucking face right now, but I pull myself together to be a rock for my friend who's on top of unstable ground. I'll kill Wells later.

She pulls her phone from her designer handbag and punches the screen with her fingertips handing it across the table to me.

There on the screen is a picture of Wells with a much younger looking woman, much younger. He is leaned in with his arm stretching behind her shoulders, both wearing amiable smiles.

"Have you seen her before?" I inquire curiously.

"No, I haven't, Ro," Poppy confesses and sniffles, blotting the streaming mascara from underneath her eyes with a cloth napkin. "I feel like such a fool."

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