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Theo spins the dials in my mind, making the day rapidly speed by. Before I leave the house, I seek out Nat, not only because she asked me to but also to get paid. Although the exchange was awkward between her and Theo, once he explained their history, it made much more sense to me, leaving me more than satisfied with his explanation. I still can't help having the feeling that she was less than pleased to have stumbled upon Theo and I collectively together, and I wonder why.

Crossing the threshold of the kitchen, and to my surprise, Nat is standing over the kitchen sink, washing vegetables. She has all the components laid out on the countertop for a home-cooked meal, and the last thing I would have ever considered would be her being a cook. I can smell the aroma of something delicious illuminating from the oven, and it's all too mouthwatering after the long day I've had. She doesn't seem to notice that I have been standing here, so I drag the barstool that my purse sits upon across the floor to gain her attention.

Nat appears startled when she whips her satin brown mane across her shoulder. It's not the outcome that I intended, but it seems to have ascertained her awareness.

"Ro," she sneers. "My God, you frightened me, but just the person I wanted to see." I detect a suspicious or possibly skeptical look on her face. Maybe both. She turns the running faucet water off and grasps a dish towel to dry the excess moisture from her hands. Then traveling across the kitchen, she stifles through her wallet, pulling out British currency and saunters over to me, handing me the creased wad of pounds.

"Thank you," I break the silence accepting the payment from a not so elated, Nat.

Placing her elbows on top of the counter, she leans her slim frame toward me and clenches her jaw before she begins to speak.

"Listen, it's not evident to me what is transpiring between you and Theo, but I am positive it won't end well." Tapping her fingernails on the counter, she continues, "Woman to woman, I have known Theo all of my adult life and most of my childhood. If you think you can tame him, you won't. You're no better or different than the rest of the slags he shags. He doesn't do relationships with anyone, ever, and you're just another woman to be played and discarded that will eventually end up agonizing over the damage and despair caused by the alluring Theodore yet again."

Taking the wallet from my purse and placing my earnings inside, I throw my bag over my shoulder, not wanting to become involved in this childish family dispute. I'm not positive, but my instinct tells me that she is not heeding this warning woman to woman but is attempting to drive a wedge between Theo and me, but that's not going to happen because I'm unlike anyone Theo has ever dated before.

"Thank you for your concern, but I can handle myself. If that is all, I will be on my way," I direct in a matter of fact way, attempting to end the conversation.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. You're not his typical type, you know," she sing-songs standing in straight form, taking another stale effort to sway my interest in Theo.

I slam my hand on the counter. "What would Theo say if he were here?" I have had enough of Nat's caddy bitchiness. At this point, I don't give a flying fuck if her husband employs my father or me. "He isn't here to defend himself, and if I have learned anything in life, it's to create my own opinions of others and to mind my own business. I value the independence of my own thinking, as should you. Now, if that is all, I will see you Thursday," I chirp and swivel, walking away unhurried and unaffected from Nat's immaturity. The nerve of her.

Nat doesn't phase me in the least. She has your typical millennial attitude of an overconfident and self-involved generation with a high narcissism rate giving cusp-Millenials, like myself, a negative reputation. I still can't seem to discard this gut feeling that lingers deep within the hollow of my bones, though. I get the feeling that I'm missing something vital, and only discourse and due time will reveal the absent truth of concealed lies. Unfortunately, learning lessons and seeking truth in life can only steal valuable time from you. If only there was a way I could know the necessary naked information from the start, I could skip all the bullshit instead of wasting away the precious moments that should be had.

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