A Deal to Be Made

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The sight of Damon's flabbergasted face is still replaying in my head the next morning as I step into my favorite caffe, Rosario's. 

The aging man behind the counter smiles at the sound of the chiming door, and meets my eyes and gives a large wave. 

It's impossible not to love Mr. Rosario, a hunched man with thinning white hair and a contagious smile. He was the grandfather everyone wished they had. 

"Buongiorno, Charlie!" He calls to me. I love the nickname, and the way his aging Italian accent sounds classic, right out of a movie. 

"Morning, Mr. Rosario." I smile at him as I take a seat at the coffee bar, watching as he prepares my usual breakfast: chocolate croissant with black coffee, extra strong.

He places them in front of me with a smile, and leans against the bar slightly. 

"You haven't been back to see me recently, Charlie. I was beginning to worry." He says, the corners of his eyes tightening. 

I sigh, and take a sip of my coffee. 

"I've had work, it's been insanely busy recently. You know how it is when the markets start to pick up and drop every other second." 

He nods knowingly, and looks up as the door chimes again, signaling another customer. His eyes go wide for a moment but then return to their regular calming shape. 

"Signore Rivaldi, buongiorno." 

My spine tightens at his words, and I attempt to hide my face with my hair, staring down into my coffee. 

"Good morning, Antonio, how are you?" Damon's silky voice confirms my suspicions and I know he's looking over at me. The hairs on the back of my head stand straight up, and for some odd reason, I'm embarrassed.

I've really only seen men when I'm all done up, in my most perfect form. But in Rosario's, I come in casually, as I always do. Hair natural and done, a simple shirt and jeans. My normal self. 

I wonder what he will think. I slap myself mentally for the thought. Who the hell cares what he thinks?

I hear the chair next to me squeak as it's pulled out, and I hold my breath. 

"Antonio, is your friend okay?" Damon asks with a laugh in his voice, and I hear Mr. Rosario laugh nervously. 

"She is just tired, she works too much." 

"I can believe that." 

My fists ball in my lap at his tone, almost mocking me. He cost me too much money last night, and my head is still filled with annoyance. 

"Good morning, Angel." 

I lift my head finally, pushing my hair behind my ear and scowling at him.

"It was until you arrived, asshole." I turn my attention back to my coffee, sipping. 

"Charlotte." Mr. Rosario scolds me, much like a father would. 

"Apologies, Mr. Rosario." I stand up from my seat, draining the last of my coffee and placing a ten dollar bill on the counter. "I'll see you soon, okay? Thank you for the coffee." 

"Anytime, Charlie." He looks between Damon and I with apprehension, nervous. 

I walk out of the door, and begin to walk back down my street, when I hear his footsteps behind me. 

You've got to be kidding me. 

I whirl around, hands already on my hips. 

"If you have to speak to me, please call my business line. It's completely unprofessional-"

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