Chapter three

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹 | 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚎𝚛

Later that day, Winn finds something that looks to be Pestilence's identity

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Later that day, Winn finds something that looks to be Pestilence's identity. A doctor by the name of Grace. My first thought was that I can reason with her because she saves lives every day, so why wouldn't she want to save the world. My problem is that Imra just wants to kill her because of some vengeance she has for her in the future. I don't kill and I won't let her kill either. I somehow need to get her to see that. Mon-El and I suit up for battle and head to the location Winn pinged off of her.

Mon-El and I go head off into the sky next to each other. Suddenly I feel something on my hand and immediately recognize the feeling of his hand on mine. It feels warm and safe and I know that what we have is real. I glance towards him to smirk then quickly speed off into the distance. I love trying to beat him. I land down on the ground first but not two seconds later he landed down next to me.

"So you're still a little competitive are you?" He laughs at how proud I am for beating him. I just smirk and head inside the building to focus on finding Pestilence before she can hurt anyone else.

When we finally find the room that she's in we came just in time. I use my heat vision to strike the wall behind her before she can infect the man she was aiming her sharp, animal like nail at.

"Don't take another step grace!" I yell out hoping to get her attention. All the people in the room quickly hurried out of there.

"It's not grace anymore." She counters. I know there is a good part in her somewhere though, I just need to find it. "You would save even these scabs? They who profit on the suffering of others."

"Everyone deserves saving." I tried to bring reason and hope back to her.

"Not them. They're not good." She doesn't have much hope yet.

"But you are." I counter.

"Imra wait, give her a chance." I hear Mon-El say to Imra as she runs into the room.

"Think of the lives you've saved. You're a doctor Grace. The day you took and oath, you swore to do no harm." I try to reason.

"Do no harm." She repeats as her infected nail contracts back and she grips the chair. I saw the humanity for in her again.

"Grace?" She looks up at me and the green and yellow tint in her eyes returned to their dark brown roots. "It's gonna be ok."

"My mother used to always say that good would be rewarded with grace. But when I became a surgeon, I finally saw the truth. There is no reward for being good." She sounded angry, at life, at the world.

"What's happening to you doesn't give you power over who lives, only over who dies and you don't want that. We can stop it." I give her a life line. A way out of the life she is giving into.

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