Chapter four

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺 | 𝙸 𝙲𝚊𝚗'𝚝 𝙷𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝙷𝚎𝚛

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺 | 𝙸 𝙲𝚊𝚗'𝚝 𝙷𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝙷𝚎𝚛

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Mon-El's POV:

It was only yesterday that we fought Pestilence. It was only yesterday when Kara got infected. I've realized that there is only one person who can drive me crazy, both with love and worry. Kara is that person. Seeing her so hurt hurts me. I know she is the Girl of Steel and can make it through anything, but that doesn't make it any easier to see her struggle to get back up after such a hit.

Brainy has come up with a plan to get a location on the Worldkillers. We might finally be able to beat them, maybe. I only half listen to the plan until I hear Kara's name spoken.

"Supergirl, Alex, and Lena will all enter into the dark valley together to wake Sam up, giving us a location on their base." Brainy explains. "Just a fair warning this could be very detrimental to Supergirl."

"Wha-What do you mean?" I hope I'm hearing this wrong.

"This could kill Supergirl to have to carry two other people in that realm." He says so calmly. I can't say the same for me. I look over to see Kara blink like she's thinking about something.

"Hey can I talk to you for a second?" She asks me walking up.

"Yeah." I answer and walk with her. I could feel Imra's eyes on us. I face Kara again and see the same half worried and half brave face on.

"I need you to promise me. Promise me you will leave me in there until I finish the mission. Pull Alex and Lena in, but leave me in there." She asks knowing that I want nothing more than for her to be safe.

"Kara you heard Brainy, this could hurt you, it could kill you." I say in a soft tone to hide my concern so no one over hears. I reach my hand over to slightly rub her arm.

"This is all we've got to beat the Worldkillers. It's now or never. Please." I look at her as if I'm trying to look into her eyes one last time. No. I can't loose her. I won't loose her. But I have to promise her.

"I promise." I breath out trying to come to terms with it. "I love you, Kara." I whisper just loud enough for only her to hear.

"Me too." She whispers back. We don't break eye contact and hope that we will be able to make it through this battle.

Only two minutes later, all three of them are ready to go to this realm. Brainy uses his mind to put them into the dream like state. I feel a weight on my shoulders pushing me down. J'onn and I have to monitor their vitals to make sure they aren't in trouble. J'onn mainly watches Alex and I am watching Kara and Lena, but I mostly just focus on Kara and keeping her safe.


Kara's POV:

There's this moment where I can't breathe, like I'm trapped in box and can't get out. Then all of a sudden I'm able to breathe and I fill my lungs with the sweet air. But this air isn't sweet, it's dark and gloomy and terrifying. I look over to see Alex by my side and Lena in the other. I don't know how well I can trust Lena now. It feels like every time I have ever defended her to anyone has been a lie. It's very hard to focus on finding Sam when my mind is clouded with emotions. I could tell Mon-El was having a hard time with this plan given that it puts me at risk. But I also know he believes in me, which gives me some peace of mind. Alex seems to notice that my mind is elsewhere right now and I hear her walk up next to me.

"Hey, you ok?" She asks with curiosity in her voice.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine why." I answer back.

"Because you have that dazed look in your eyes you get when you're thinking. Also your crinkle is very present." She remarks. I can't help but roll my eyes at this. I let out a sigh out of frustration.

"I'm just worried about Mon-El." I hesitated and then continued, "He seemed really worried before this happened. I just don't like seeing him scared for me."

"I'm sure he's fine, Kara. He's a lot different now and can handle some pressure. And have you guys told Imra yet?" She slipped in that noisy question.

"Um- not yet." I'm waiting for her to yell at me for this.

"Kara, what are you doing? He's married, happy mostly."

"He's not though. And I know that this isn't right, but his marriage isn't what it seems. They didn't even want to get married in the first place." I tried to explain myself.

"What?" She sounds confused.

"Long story, but it's more complicated than what it seems. Plus we still love each other. I don't know how long I could've held out anyway. But I know we still have to tell her and we will."

"Good. Just promise me you'll be careful." I smile at this. At least I know of two people that love me.

"I promise." She holds out her pinky finger and I giggle at the childish gesture. I extend my finger to wrap around hers and reconnect to the memories from a long time ago.


Mon-El's POV:

I quickly take my eyes off of Kara to look at their vitals and brain activity displayed behind me. Only after a second, I hear a sharp inhale of someone taking in a breath. I turn around to see Kara stirring around and I know immediately that she's in trouble. I feel J'onn look up to me. He squints somehow knowing exactly what I'm thinking about and feeling. I just keep my focus on Kara, but after about another second of this my eyes start to burn and there is a lump in the pit of my stomach. I can't take it anymore, so I turn around and walk out of the room to catch my breath. As I'm leaving, I can't help but notice that Imra's attention turns to me, but I can't deal with Imra right now, so I walk out anyway.

"Mon-El!" J'onn yells over to get my attention.

"She just looks so- breakable." I stutter to find the words for how I'm feeling.

"She's strong, they all are." He tries to remind me of how strong and brave Kara is. But I don't need to remember that because I know that. I just don't know how to watch her have to be strong.

"Yet all I want to do is pull her out." I let out.

"Yeah, me too." J'onn sighs.

"But I can do that. I can't. I can't do that, I can't help her, I can't hold her." I trail off realizing what I just confessed. J'onn squints at me, so I give a confused look trying to play dumb. "What is it?"

"I'm psychic, remember. And I sense a lot more than just worry. You love her, don't you?" He spoke softly to not let anyone else hear it. I look don't almost immediately and can feel the guilt inside of me.

"Yes." I spoke even softer, knowing that it was the truth that I couldn't hide anymore. J'onn what do I do?"

"There's nothing to do Mon-El." He looked at me uncertain of an answer, any answer that would help. "Just stay out of the training room together. I don't want anymore holes in the walls." He half smiles as my eyes go out wide.

"How did you..." I'm at a lose for words.

"Psychic, remember?" He continues to smile at me while I'm still shocked. We head back into the room and resume our previous positions. Kara seems to be ok right now, which means I can breathe for a moment.


Kara's POV:

I feel a tightening around my neck as Reign's hand grips my neck. She is crushing my wind pipe, cutting off my airways. Before she can go any further, I feel a strange tingle and in less than a second I'm back in the Legion ship. We all look up to see everyone circling around us. Mon-El is in his suit ready for battle, so I'm assuming our plan worked.

"Did it work?" I'm hoping that my assumption was correct.

"Like a charm." Mon-El smiles at me. I feel a lot better knowing that we might just end this war now. And with that we head off to fight the Worldkillers in their Fortress of Sanctuary.

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