Chapter two

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸 | 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜

Waking up in a half empty bed is not as dreadful this morning

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Waking up in a half empty bed is not as dreadful this morning. Mon-El went home to his wife last night, just as it should be. As much as I want to imagine what it could have been like to wake up next to him again, that can't happen. He's married to Imra and seems to be happy. He probably regrets what happened as much as I do and he could never leave his wife for me. Would he want to though? In a perfect world I know I would want to be with him again, but the world isn't perfect. If it were, there wouldn't be so many criminals running around that I have to catch.

Speaking of, or thinking of technically, those pesky criminals, I have to get to the DEO. Unfortunately with my mind spinning around with thoughts and worries about returning to that place, my body is suddenly glued to my bed. How will I be able to go face him and his wife in the place where we did the unthinkable?

Eventually, I have no choice but to get up and even using my super speed is a little too slow. Whirling around and creating a mess of clothes flying around and landing on my floor as I rush past my closet to my kitchen. Maybe if I stuff myself with enough food it will make the hole of guilt in my stomach hurt less.

When I arrive at the DEO, the guilt grows slightly as I walk past the training room. Luckily for me, Mon-El doesn't seem to be here yet and it was business as usual. I stop a robbery and show down the people dumb enough to pick a fight with Supergirl. Alex, Winn, and I all gather around the screens trying to figure out where Pestilence is hiding out.

"We can help with the search." I suddenly hear Imra say in an effort to speed the process along. My eyes skip right over her and go straight to Mon-El who is trailing behind her. I swallow hard in the sudden reminder of what it is that has me so sickened. I realize exactly who I hurt by doing what I did, what we did. Mon-El cheated on Imra with me. How could I let this happen? I never wanted to interfere with their relationship, ever. I quickly look away from his telling eyes when I realize that I hadn't answered Imra.

"Yeah that would be great. Um, I'll be right back." I nervously excuse myself and start walking to anywhere that isn't near any of them. Instinctively, I end up going straight into the training room.

When ever I need to clear my head I either go to train or talk to the hologram of my mother. For some reason though, I don't think about talking about the pain that I'm in but rather punching my way through it. I quickly realize that this room is the wrong choice for that right now. The mat is still laying here on the floor the way we left it, only a few hours ago. Before I can turn around and walk out of the room, the doorknob turns open. Alex walks in looking at me like she knows exactly what happened, but I'm still trying not to give it away anyway.

"Hey are you ok?" She walks up to me with a concerned look sketched across her face. I hesitate to answer as to try to get a hold of my head before I give it away.

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