Chapter five

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻 | 𝚂𝚊𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚎

We all land in the rubble on the ground inside the dark fortress

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We all land in the rubble on the ground inside the dark fortress. All three of the Worldkillers stand there ready to battle with evil in their eyes. I still have to try to turn the evil into good and save the humans inside. I have to save Sam from Reign and more importantly, I need to save the city and the entire world from the death and destruction. Within a second we all collide in the center of the fortress. I can feel the yellow sun rays decreasing in me. And no matter how I try to act strong and fearless, I really don't want to feel Reign's fists without my powers.

We go back and forth hitting each other and locking out heat vision until mine burns out. No more powers anymore and I feel it within my veins, I'm powerless. I can't let myself go there now though. There are too many people depending on me to defeat her, but that is become even harder to do now. Reign takes advantage of this and strikes me with her heat vision to make me go flying out to the rest of my team. Nerves are firing all over me when I see my whole team on the ground and hopeless against the worldkillers.

I need a way to beat them somehow. I look over to the other side of the fortress to see Purity on the ground in a similar position that Alex is in. I hope one more time that I can save their humans sides, so I call out, "Julia, you need to rise up! Help us please!" Alex joins in with me. I'm hoping she can hear us and overcome this battle.

"What did you say before? That only one of equal strength can kill you? Well come at me witch!" Purity gets to her feet and uses her sonic scream against Reign. Pestilence flies up and over to Purity. I hope this doesn't end this way. I want to get up and do something but I'm too weak and I don't know what I would do anyway. We all watch as Pestilence stabs her infected nail into Purity's abdomen. She screams out and resumes her sonic scream to cut through Pestilence's face. They both fall to the ground lifeless and silence follows, for only a brief second.

Their bodies suddenly started to glow and almost magical waves transfer over to Reign. Their powers are transferring over to her. Within the next second, her heat vision goes off out of control. It first hits the top of the formed rocks, then down to the ground, and finally straight ahead. The ray is heading straight towards J'onn. In an instant, Mon-El pushes him out of the way to the ground and takes his place. It feels like this moment is being played in slow motion. At the same time it seems so fast and I can't move fast enough to stop it. The beam of light hits him straight on and he goes flying backwards. I watch as Reign screams and turns into a cloud of dust and magic, leaving Sam unconscious on the ground. I don't take my eyes off of Mon-El and I realize the hero act he just did to save J'onn.

"No, no. No Mon-El!" I yell out as I run over to him, hoping and praying he isn't gone forever. I fall to the ground as I reach him and check his heart beat. I put my head to his chest and only with my superheating am I able to hear a slight beat. My eyes sting with my hot tears and I can't stop this feeling. "No stay with me! J'onn we need to get him to the DEO now!" I scream out. Everyone is too scared to move and in the moment I forgot about everyone else. I can only see Mon-El and he needs my help.

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