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Quick reminder:

Y/n = your name
F/c = favourite colour
Y/e = your element (pick whatever you want)
E/c = eye colour


Y/n's POV

I awake to an alarm clock going off.

"Argh, why so early?" I complain, shoving my pillow on top of my head.

Lloyd groans and throws something at the clock, but it doesn't shut off. When he realizes he hasn't stopped the noise, Lloyd conjures a ball of energy and sends it towards the clock. It still doesn't stop ringing.

I decide Lloyd's got the right idea, so I prop myself up on my elbows and aim a sphere of  y/e at the clock. I hit it, and the noise stops. I slump back onto my bed, hoping to go back to sleep, but Sensei has another plan in mind.

"Let's go, let's go!" Sensei cries, ringing a bell as he walks down the hallway.

I grumble as I roll out of bed. I fall on the floor with a plop, bringing my blanket with me. I quickly shove all my covers onto the bed as I stand up, not bothering to make the bed.

"Come on, sleepyhead," I say to Lloyd. I chuck a pillow at him.

"Five more minutes?" he pleads.


"Fine," he groans, and sits up. He rubs his eyes, and looks at me up and down.

"What're you starting at?" I ask, hands on my hips.

"Did you bring other any clothes?"he asks, and when I look down at my outfit, I realize I'm still in the same clothes as yesterday.

"Um, no," I say. "I wasn't exactly given time to prepare."

"I think we still have your old gi on the bounty," Lloyd says. "Let me put something on, and we'll go get it."

Lloyd throws off his covers. He's wearing track pants, and instead of a top, he's got black tape on either side of his chest. The last time I saw Lloyd without a shirt on was right before he battled the overlord, and his ribcage was covered in bruises and fresh wounds. The worst part about it all was that it was partially my fault; I let him fight when I knew he wasn't ready. Looking at Lloyd now, I can see a few scars, but the bruises had fully healed. Thank goodness for that.

"Does that hurt?" I ask, pointing to the tape. 

He shrugs, blushing, as he pulls a tank top over his head. "It's not the most comfortable thing in the world, but it's better than nothing"

"Is is okay to sleep in? Cuz I swear, if you're not binding safely--"

"It's safe, it's safe, I promise. Now come on!"

Lloyd leads me outside, and begins climbing the heavy metal chain that the anchor is attached to. Once we're on board, he takes my hand and brings me to the living room. My gi is hung up on the wall, on one of the hooks we used to keep our outfits on.

"It's like I never left," I say.

Lloyd goes over to it and takes it down off the hook.

"I needed something to give me hope that you'd still come back," he explains bashfully. "So I put somewhere that I'd always see it."

I smile, looking at the ground. Lloyd hands the gi to me, and I go take it to the bathroom to change.

"Hey!!" Jay cries when I knock on the door. The water's running, so I assume he's in the shower.

"Sorry!" I say, and go back to the living room. Jay always sings an entire concert when he's in the shower, so I know he'll be a while.

"Turn around," I tell Lloyd as I enter the room.


"I'm changing."

"Oh. Right. Okay."

"No peeking!"

"I'm not!"

Once I'm sure Lloyd isn't going to turn around, I take off my shirt. I start trying to put on the gi, but what nobody tell you about them is that they're really hard to get on.

"Are you done yet?"

"Don't rush me!!"

Lloyd laughs. He laughs even harder when I trip and fall over onto the floor with a thud.

"Are you okay?" he asks through chuckles. He didn't need to see my fall to know how bad it must have looked; the sound of me hitting the floor was embarrassing enough.

"Yes," I grumble.

I finally manage to get the gi on, and with a huff of frustration, I tell Lloyd he can look now.

"Wow," he says, turning around. "It's like you haven't changed at all."



"Dammit! I was hoping to grow a few inches."

"Lloyd! Y/n!" Kai hollers from the courtyard below. "Get down here!!"

"Coming!" Lloyd and I reply in unison.

He head back down the chain, and hop nimbly onto the ground. We rush inside to start the chores Sensei's got planned for us, but before we make it though the door, the sky turns dark.

"What's happening?" Cole cries as he, Zane, Nya, Misako, Jay, and Sensei come outside.

The clouds start pouring rain down on us, and the wind becomes so strong I'm afraid of being swept away.

"Hold onto something!" Zane orders. We all take his advice without question.

"He's back," Sensei mutters, full of disbelief.

"Who's back?" Jay asks.

"Morro," he replies in a mysterious tone of voice.

"But... I thought..." I said, looking at Lloyd. "Oh my god."


"Your dream!" I shout over the wind.
"What if—"

I don't get the rest of my sentence out before Lloyd cries out in pain and doubles over.

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