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"Yes dear, I know the boys might not like it much, but its for the best. Its so we have a more stable life."

"I know you're right. Im just worried about what the boys will think."

"Don't worry, they'll be fine."

The man sighs as he looks at his troubled wife. Its late, let's get some sleep and tell them the news tomorrow. He turns over to switch off the bedside lamp. The room is then consumed in darkness and the man and his wife drift off to sleep.


Jeremy was woken up by his mom shaking him awake. He looked at his clock, thinking he might not have felt the vibrations of his alarm go off. But when he checked the time, it was 10 minutes before his alarm went off. Jeremy sat up from his bed and signed, (Mom, whats going on? Is everything ok?)

"(Family meeting downstairs. Get ready and head down.)" She signs with a soft expression.

Jeremy nods before his mom turns and walks out of the room. "(Oh, and please wake up your brother for me.)" She reminds him before walking away.

"Ugh." Jeremy sighs as he falls back on his bed, giving himself a minute to wake up and prepare for the day, and whatever his parents have to talk about. He's also not so excited about waking up his little brother, Michael. Hes always such a brat in the morning, almost too bratty for a 15-year-old. When Jeremy walks into Michael's, its dark and he finds a snoring lump on the bed. Jeremy could either wake him up by screaming and jumping on the bed, or he can calmly wake him.

But wheres the fun in that?

He jumps onto the bed and violently shakes his brother awake. Hed love to scream in his face but using his voice in any way can make it uncomfortable for him. Either way, he still manages to get him up. "UuuggghhhaaAAAAHHHH!!!!! You asshole!!! Why do you always have to wake me up like this, you dick!!" He's lucky Jeremy can read lips or else he'd keep messing with him. (Ma' says you gotta get up and get ready. And family meeting downstairs.) Jeremy signs to his brother as he gets off the bed. He feels a 'THUMP' sound below his feet that tells him his brother got up out of bed to start getting ready.


"Wait, What?!?" Michael shouted when he heard the news his parents had just told him. And honestly, Jeremy is Just as shocked. If he had a voice of his own, he might have done that same thing as Michael. "What do you mean were moving!? We can't move, what about our family here? And I like it here in Arizona. Why move??" Michael argues. His family can tell he doesnt want to move, but they also know its for the best.

"Michael, I know you don't want to do this, but its for a better job and life. Please understand, son. I am sad we have to leave the home you boys grew up in. Even so, its something that needs to be done, and its something we have to accept." His dad tries to reason with his son.

(But, does it have to be all the way in L.A?)

"(Unfortunately, yes. But I know this will be good for us. And, Jeremy, youll have to go to a public school there instead of a deaf school. I know you like Arizona State School for the Deaf, but is moving ok with you?)"

(Actually, yeah it is. I think it'll be fun to go to a public school. Definitely different, but I think I could get used to it.)

"(That's good. I'm glad youre willing to try and you're excited about it. And Michael,)" she looks at her other son. "(Please try for us. I know it'll be hard to leave your friends, but please. )" As she looks at Michael with pleading eyes, hoping her son wont be too mad, Michael looks at his mom then he sees his brother with the same look in his eyes. So, he sighs in defeat and signs, "(Okay. I'll.....I'll try for you guys. I promise.)"


To Jeremy at first, moving to L.A and going to a public school for once sounded exciting and cool, but now that he was here about to go on his first day of school, he is terrified and extremely nervous. He's not sure how these other kids are going to react to him being deaf, or if hell even be able to make friends at all here. Either way, he puts on a brave face and walks forward.

Michael had already run off to go get his class schedule as Jeremy was taking in the high school. It was a large school that had two stories, a large gym, and a football field with a track. After Jeremy went to the office to get his schedule, he decided to just head to his first period class, since he had nothing else to do, English. When he walked in there were only a small handful of students in the room. So, he just chose and empty seat close to the front and waited for the bell to ring.

The rest of the school day was fairly uneventful. He had to stand and introduce himself in every class, like all new kids have too, people were shocked when he told them he was deaf. He had written his introduction down prior to show in front of the class. And Jeremy was both surprised and pleased when he learned that there is an ASL (American Sign Language) class and some of the kids actually took that class. Jeremy had made a friend in one of his classes and he's pretty cool, he even knows sign. He told him about the school, how to get around, and cool teachers. He even talked about this delinquent guy at the school. He said everyone calls him, Ice Demon. A little unoriginal, but it's high school. But other than those few things, that was it.

Until it was the end of the day.

When Jeremy and Michael were walking out of the school to start walking home, something had caught the side of his eye when he saw a crowd of guys surround a kid wearing a black hoodie that mostly covered his face. He didnt really know what to expect of the situation. So, he decided to read one of the guys lips, he said, "You're such a creep and if I was your family, I'd ditch you in no time. I bet your mom abandoned you and left you for a guy. She's probably a slut or a monster like you." Then one of the guys moved in front of him and Jeremy couldn't see what else he said for a bit, but when he moved again, I could read, and what he read was really uncalled for. "Hey, if you got a sister can I borrow her for a few nights, cause she's gotta be a slut like your mom. It's genetic-"

The next thing he knew the kid threw the guy over his shoulder, landing right on his back. The momentum of the throw caused the kids hood to slide off, and Jeremy did not expect to see a chick. The kid, now girl, then stomps on the guys stomach, grabs his arm to twist him over, pushes her knee in the center of his back and pulls on his arm. Keeping him in place. When Jeremy looks around, he sees a lot of terrified faces, and he knows he should be too, but he's not. He's absolutely mesmerized by her. He feels a tug on his sleeve, he looks down and sees Michael just as scared as everyone else. "(Thats her. My friends warned me about her. Shes who everyone calls the Ice Demon.)"

Wait seriously?!?! Jeremy is really surprised by that. He doesnt understand. How can someone everyone calls Ice Demon, be so pretty. Jeremy then sees that the girl is screaming in his ear. Jeremy knows he should just walk away, but he wants to know what shes saying. "Don't you dare talk about her like that!!! If you even think about coming near her or me ever again, I'll gladly take this arm and rip it right off of your body!! Got that fucker?" she threatened. She turns around to face the rest of the guys. "Oh, and dont worry, I'll make sure you assholes dont get left out either." She spoke calmly but with the coldest death glare. She released the guy on the ground as she stood, and they all ran away immediately.

Everyone around Jeremy started to look the other way and act like they didn't see that whole thing, even Michael did, but Jeremy didnt. He couldn't stop staring at her. She was just so pretty. Then she started walking in his direction and made eye contact. "You gotta problem guy?" she taunted. Jeremy repeatedly shook his head in reply. Then she walked away

Jeremy watched her as she walked away, she just caught his attention and he couldn't help but be drawn in. he reluctantly looked away as her figure disappeared into the school building. Jeremy turned to Michael to tell him not to mention a fight on the first day to their parents, so that way they don't get worried. Michael agreed and the boys started to walk home together.

Later that night, as Jeremy lays in bed, the fight and that girl will replay in his head like a merry-go-round or a broken record. She was imbedded into his brain. Her short blackish grey brown hair, the cold ember-green eyes, her pale peach skin, everything. She's stuck there and Jeremy hopes he'll get to see her again soon. And that kind of scares him.

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