Galo x reader o/s

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~ hey guys! I hope u guys enjoy this one shots.. I'm thinking about writing more books.. what do u think?😱~
-9/23/19 Wrote

" can u stop being dumb for a second galo!!" You said to your best friend.. " woah... me..? *looks side to side* who's dumb? Im not dumb.. your a dumb!" He yelled back. You sighed. " galo.. shut the fuck up for a min.." as you walked away. Galo laughed and ran to you and tackled you to the floor. "UAHH!" You fell face first to the floor. " ouch... I think u need a medic... oh wait... I am one!! Hahaha" you growled and headbudded his face. Then got up. " haha whos the one who needs a medic now!" You say as a angry gali started chasing you. "Ahh!" You screamed running around the fire team unit. "Mhmmm.." someone said as he clears his throat.. " lt... ignis... heyyyy!!" You say as u sweat dropped. " y/n and galo please stop fucking running at 9 at the night and go home or go on a date.. or just sleep!!" He says. U chuckled and said " ok ok.. galo wanna head out and grab something to eat?" He nodded and said " eh sure.. but ur paying." You looked at him and said " no u!" After that u walked away with a retarted looking galo. He turned on his motorcycle and waited for u to put on the helmet. U got on the bike with your arms wrapped around his torso and he said " pizza?" You nodded and he drove off to the best pizza polar. You saw the night sky, with the beautiful city that u never get tired of seeing. " u wanna feel my hard rock Abes" you heard galo randomly say. " what?? No why," you said. He laughed. After a couple of minutes. You arrived at yours and galo pizza parlor. " hey old man! Can we get 6 slices of cheese plz!" The owner of the pizza places nodded. You both sat down. "Galo after this wanna go to the chill spot" he looked at you and said " uh sure! I could really use some chill time , especially since I'm with you!" You had a shook face and said " fuck you!" He laughed and said " when?" You sighed and chuckled. The pizza finally came and u and galo talked and ate at the same time. It was a nice peaceful night, u were also sitting outside with him. Ur would be lying if u said ur heart didn't skip a beat everytjme your near him, your heart would fluter. U and galo had gotten done eating your last slices. Galo slammed the money on top of the table. This was probably the first time he has ever paid something for you. You shook of the feelings and u both waved good buy at the owner of the pizza place. You turned to him and said " I'm driving.....k?" He sighed and said " yghhhhhhh... ok" you smiled and got in the riders seat, and he hoped on behind you. He wrapped his arms around your torso and leaned his head on your back. You smiled and started the engine and sped off to the frozen lake. You smiled at the night sky view as you rode through the night.! What u didn't kno was that galo was staring and thinking to himself. " she's soo cute when she sees stuff" he smiled to himself. He continued to look at your face. After a while They finally arrived. At the lake and galo got out first and stretch . You got out the motorcycle and walked next to galo. Galo looked at you as u sat down next to him. He sighed and looked at the night sky. You smiled and said " it's so pretty the sky." He nodded and said " yah.. u know I've always loved his place.. it's so calm and peaceful.." you nodded you went on the frozen lake and started skating. You loved coming here to skate too. It was fun to do. You were just spinning and twirling and making cute faces. That's all galo could think.. he actually liked u... but u were his best friend and he didn't kno if he should say anything to ruin it.. so he had a decision " do I be a pussy and keep our friendship the way it is or do I tell her how I feel and see where things go" him being him. He go up, and was about to go to you but he sat down. " fuck this hard.. ok ok when she comes back to sit I'll make my move!" He said. You were skating and gliding. After a few more mins, you got tired and decided to back to galo. He smiled and u smiled. U felt abit cold and he noticed it. He wrapped his arm around you, u blushed but scooted next to him. He took a deep breath and said " hey y/n..." you looked at him and said " yah galo?" He looked at your face and blushed abit . " so y.n... I gotta get something out of my chests.. and before u say anything plz don't hate me! Ok?" I nodded and said " ok tell me?" He shallowed the lump on his neck and said " y/n.. I love you... I fell in love with you when we first met. I knew one day... I'm gonna make her mine... I knew she's the girl I have to protect all my life for.. u are the most sweetest , funny, and lamest person I know... so y/n.... would u be my girlfriend!" He said... while he looked away. You smiled and had a few tears bc of his speech.. " galo.." he looked at you and hum. " I love u too... I of course would be your girlfriend!" He smiled brightly and hugged you tight! U kissed his cheek. After a while of cuddling u both got up to head back to home.. well first your home. After a couple of mins u arrived at your place. " thank you galo... my cutie boi!" He chuckled and said " no problem my beautiful gf." U smiled. Galo got up from the motorcycle and kissed your lips with suprise. U kissed back and had a small mini make out session at 1 am.. u pulled away and said " ok goodnight galo.. go home.. tomorrow I will see you!" He nodded and smiled " goodnight and I will! Hehe" u laughed. U got upstairs and took of everything and passed right out as a happy person ❤️❤️

*hope u enjoyed vote plz ❤️❤️ thank uuuu

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