Lio x reader o/s pt1 ❤️

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~ yo.. I'm back at it again with a new story! Owo I hope u guys enjoyed this one :) it's with best boi! I WANT A BODY PILLOW OF HIM!😍🥴 -

You were a mere human.. you heard about the burnish, on how they were rude, and they aren't humans. Like they don't belong here.. well you thought differently. You believed that it doesn't matter if your human or not. ur a living being. U swore on yourself that u would protect them no matter what.. or at least help them. You were getting ready for work at your boring office job.. well all u did was playin video games and just do reviews on them. U put on your black sun dress and some black fishnets  and black sneakers. You left your hair down and grabbed your stuff, and your phone was in your butt pocket. You locked your door and went downstairs. U called an uber and they picked u up and went to work. You were playing on your phone and texting your good friend galo.. but let's be honest.. he stupid. Anyways you finally arrived at your work places and went to check in. You went to the 20th floor and went to where u work at. You finished today's assignment bc yesterday u were bored and wanted to get things done. So you did. And now u were bored so you played on your pc. U had one of ur friends from the office play with u since he was bored. After a few mins u heard this sound of screaming. " AHHHHHH THE BURNISH ARE ATTACKING!! RUN FOR YOUR FUCKING LIVES!" You got up and looked. " a burnish where?" After that the fire department flew a guy up.. and u knew that guy.. " GALO!! WTF DONT KILL THEM!" After that statement u ran up THR stairs. You finally made it to the roof. And saw both galo and the burnish. " y/n the fuck are u doing here it's not safe!!" You shook your head and said " no u dumbass... can't u see that they are scared of us... they don't want to hurt us bc they enjoy it! They just don't trust us.. so stop!" You yelled! Galo and the guy who's the leader of his gang burnish looked at you through his helment and smirked. Galo and burnish kepted fighting. you stood next to them fighting kinda getting angry at galo for fighting them. he knocked down two of the burnish friends. "please give up on fighting when u cant win! i dont want to hurt you!' the burnish said back " i dont think can.. all you guys think u can save us.. but you cant beat me!" you smirked and sat down on your phone. galo and him kepted fighting till galo finally made a hit to his helment. you saw his face... u had to admit it was hawttttt asf (fuck yah it is thats my bby daddy) galo was able to get him to calm down for a few mins. "why do u guys keep on instisting on fighting us!" the male looked at him with a stern face. "because all you guys can think about is how terrible we are. just like the girly said" you smirked and said " i win!" galo nodded and said "listen i dont want to hurt or kill you guys at all. Just like y/n said. Ur human!!. But I'm galo! What's your name!" He said determination in his eyes to help himz " lio fontia...what about u girly." He said as he looked at you. Your heart raced. " uh.. y/n l/n.." he smiled. After galo and him made up the big police boss came. " oiiii.. thank you catching these bitches for us.. made out job easy!" As he said that he took all three burnish away. " HEY DIPSHIT WTF ARE U DOING!" Both u and galo said to the police. " I WOULD BE CAREFUL ON HOW U TALK TO ME BEFORE U GET ARRESTED!! Also DONT TAKE TAKE A STEP FORWARD OR WILL IMMEDIATELY GET SENT TO JAIL!'" Galo and you stopped. U looked at lio's face and got sad. Galo was furious. The cheif from the fire unit came up and told you and Galo to come down. U being u and wanted to do something dangerous in your life. U looked at Galo and he knew what u were thinking. " don't!"!! But it was already to late. U walked forward to the big police guy and said " u don't fucking scare me.. take me with them. I never been to jail.." the police guy smirked and said " well princess I'll make your dream come true YOU LIL BRAT! Take her WITH US!! BOSS IS GONNA LOVE UU!" He said. You gulped but said " Alrigjy fine." He picked u up and threw you at lio! Which he caught u with his body in the small little box cellZ " so.. um.. this is how u look in person... nice." He smirked and said " same goes to u." His home boys were staring at you confused. On your way to the jail. U looked at them and said. " by the way. I don't see u guys as the burn thingy shit. I see u guys as humans with superpowers.. well super natural I guess idk! I don't kno why the rest always treat u guys like shit." You said. The red hair then looks at you and said " hm.. u sure u ain't a burnish?" U looked at him serious and said " ha I wish.. I can't do nothing beside this" you pulled out ur watch and just played games. " anyways what's ur guys names.. besides lio." The long hair goes first " uh the names meis.." u nodded and turned to the red hAir . " eh.. oh I'm gueira.." u nodded . " well I'm y/n.. and I'm a human. Not superstar" they all chuckled . After that they were send out of the box and were all cuffed. " alright maggots we taking u to death city." The big guy says. Then he threw all in cell with other people.. who looked at burnish. U looked at lio who was looking worried. He saw a girl his age looking like she's dying. " *cough* they got u too.." they all nodded. The old mad started to explain stuff about the cuffs are designed and the place and what they do. I Then they looked at you. " are u even. Burnish?" U looked at them and sat down.. " no.. I'm not... I'm a human.. but I don't hate u guys ... u are humans. I don't see u as. Threat!" A little kid smiled at you. The mom looked worried but calmed down. " hey there lil buddy.. what's your name?" He blushed and said " tanji... ur very pretty!" U blushed and chuckled. " thank you but your handsome and adorable! I just wanna eat your face and hug you!" He started laughing. Making the room alittle less gloomy. lio on the other hand is actually burning with passion of hope to get out with all the burnish which is when u smirked and knew he had a plan with his buddy's. He turned to look at you and he saw u smirking. " u figured me out already." He asked. U nodded. Him and his buddies started messing with the cuffs until they broke and they opened the cell. " EVERYONE LETS GO AND BE FREE AND HELP PUT FELLOW BURNISH!" They all nodded and started running. U followed lio and his friends. Soon the alarm started ringing. Two large gaurds started attacking lio but they were burned. While running without looking behind you u see a angry looking guard who wanted to kill you. Lio saw and grabbed your waist and held u close and blew fire out his hands. Then he grabbed you bridal style and continued to run with the other burnish. Finally they reached their get away vehicle and flew away. With all the burnish power with everyone. Lio was driving the plane and found a spot that no one can find and took everyone out. U followed next to lio. The air was cold. Like freezing cold. But luckily there was a cave. Everyone went in to hide from anything that could hurt them. When everyone was settled they made a little campfire and stood next to each other. The boy tanji went to you and hugged you. " hello tanji... I'm happy I could hug you!" He smiled back. You held him close and smiled. He let go and ran back to his mom. U were of course wearing a dress so it got cold quick.. " I'm gonna be right back lio." U told him silently. He nodded. You went out the cave and sat down. " I feel bad for what they go threw.. imprisonments... tortures, abusing, it sad.. knowing they couldn't have a good normal life..." u said as u looked at the sky. U sat near a frozen lake and saw a heart shaped fire. U looked up behinded and saw lio. " hey." He said. " hiya..." u said as you were shivering. He took notice and sat by you and handed you his jacket. " no this is yours! I don't want u getting cold!" U said.  He chuckled and said "y/n ur the one who already cold wearing a dress. Also I'm wearing along sleeve shirt.." u nodded . U kepted looking out the mountain and then u realize u didn't say thank you for him saving your ass. " oh lio thank you for saving my ass from fha gaurd." He smiled and nodded. " no problem.. I wouldn't want them harming my queen." U looked at him and blushed. He saw u still shivering and said " is it ok if I do something really quick." U nodded and lio took his hands of fire like and touched your head. U started to glow but didn't feel as cold anymore. " thank you." He nodded. U felt like u knew him for many years buf u just met him today.. how crazy! U yawned which signaled to lio that you are tired. " come on let's get back to the cave." U nodded. He grabbed your hand and u felt electric shooting through your hands. "I hope he felt that." U said in your head. U arrived back in the cave and lio sat down and made some space for you. " u can lay your head here y/n." He said as he patted his lap. U nodded. U layed your head on his lap and got cozy.. he looked at your beautiful face and smiled. U closed ur eyes.. in your head I couldn't get him off your head. When he would show up your heart would fluter. U didn't realize it soon but you were falling in love with him.. which u didn't mind.. u liked lio.. after just knowing him for one full day..your crazy y/n.. u kepted thinking until you passed out from his cozy lap and these hope to soon come true dreams!
-end of part 1 !! AHHH IMS sorrY FOR THE LATENESS! I've been really sad for a while so I'm just stressing!! BUF I HOPED U ALL LIKED THIS! I enjoyed'hehe BEST BOI! Ok well off to bed! Night❤️

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