Kray x reader [o/s]

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~ i hate this mans but this was requested lol so ill do it.. SKSKKKSKSK this was requested so ill do it teehee.. im gonna try to add some twist into this. -

"mr kray the group of people you had asked me to get are in the lobby, should i send em up?" said the assistant. he nodded and said " sure.. time to act fake while i can" he waited for the group if people to come up. He made himself look nice and presentable just in case they took pics or record him. once the group came up he put on his fake smile and fake charm "welcome, welcome.. you all may know me as kray foresight  but please call me mr kray or governor kray." he smiled after that. till someone in the crowd said " uh yaa.. kinda long to say.. may i say gov kray." he had and irk mark on his head *that reminds me of someone..* he looked around to see everyone staring at a young lady around her mid 20s. "huh..i didnt know i would be the center of attention.ahaha.. sorry but both are kinda long to say.." he stared at her.. kinda captured by her beauty.. was kinda irritated but once he realized it was a female and was probably being took by pics he smiled and said " ahem.. ok.. thats fine i guess,"

you smiled and said " thanks gov kray. hehe.. but please continue." he smiled and said "mhm.. anyways. i know you guys wants some information and tour around the office so ill gladly show you around. " what half of these people didnt know is that your a psychic.. you already know hes being fake, you felt his aura. it was cold.. you could read all their auras.. but his was very chilling.. after what feels like forever you all got a lunch break gov kray went back to his office you closely followed him back. onces you saw him in his office you decide to go in. you waited for him to be at thought and u said " you can stop stop the act now." he was startled and said " excuse me" you walked and said " you can stop acting.. theres no one here.." he was confused, and kind of shook that you know hes acting. "huh" you laughed and stopped and stared. " your aura is cold.. and dark.. it makes me want to vomit.." you said to him bluntly. he stopped smiling nd said " what are u? some horoscope reader." you tch and shook your head " no.. the opposite really.. i know your lying about who you are.. i know u hate being called govn- kray.." he was speechless and kinda impressed. " ok..andd" he said. you shook your head and contiued to walk to him.."theres something within you..that you wish to get rid of...your  FAKE"you said in his face. he stared at your smaller figure in front of his face. "why are u even here?" you flipped your hair in his face. " not completly sure.. i just want to help fix your aura.. its to cold.. even your soul.. it feels soo dark and empty.. its like u care for yourself.." he flinched and said "how would you know? you dont know a thing about me.." you smirked and turned. "ahh kray foresight thats when your wrong.. i know more of you then yourself could know.. im no stalker but your emotions, heart, and mind stayed connected which i can see your past.. i can tell your...." you went to his ears and said "burnish" he froze and you backed away.. and smiled.. " did i say something..i dont mean to be rude.. but its like you regret it..of just hate yourself." he stared at you with anger, and saddness. "how the fuck you know THAT!!" you sat down at his desk and pulled his tie towards you and his face inches from you "Because hun.. im ....a .... psychic.. theres nothing u can hide from me..."he stared and said "that doesnt explain why your here." you thought and smiled " OH ahha the reason why im here is to ask you out on a date. well a lunch date.." u smiled and said " i know what your thinking what if she reveals my secret.. i wont.. i actully wanna help you on becoming a good person, who has a soul, and a nice and caring aura better then dark, fake scary aura.." you  smiled.. he stared again at you with amazment, never had he heard those words... as in someone who wants to help him, a person who knows his intentions, and his background a psychic to be exact.. he didnt believe in them. " i uh... see.. ok... how tomorrow..12:30 umm..sorry i didnt catch your name.." you smiled and walked back to him.. "Y/n l/n" he smiled and said "ok y/n.. tomorrow 12:30 pm sharp.. at pronpa garden..on me!" you shook your head "no! i asked you first im the one who has to pay baka!" he chuckled and said " ok ok.." you smiled and said "thank you..kray.. in our date im gonna try out some stuff to get you in your mind in a good  state..ok" he nodded and genuinlly smiled. you both exchanged numbers. before you left you gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "farewell mr.kray.. see ya tomorrow..this tour stuff is kinda lame." he nodded and said " be careful on your way out." you smiled and left you cant wait for tomorrow.


hope you guys liked this one shot i couldnt think of i hoped you enjoy.. now im off to sleep.. this was requested by someone so i hope you like.. PEACEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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