hey guys this is my newest story,, i really loved the idea and was exited about it so i hope you like guys ! thanks for reading and voteee
“JESSICA! Why are you home so late?!” my dad roared.
“I was uh- at Marks house … studying?” I lied horribly
“no you weren’t YOU of all people don’t study!”
“what are you talking about I have like a B in all my classes”
“I was I Marks house studying! I already told you”
“stop lying to me!”
“ugh leave me alone”
I yelled walking out the front door making sure to slam it. I heard his voice fade off and I heard him open the door and yell a bunch of shit at me but I kept walking plugging my head phones in.
I wasn’t exactly lying to dad when I told him I was at Marks house, I was actually with Mark at McDonalds but my dear father does not allow me to go out at night… but I do anyway. =) so I lied and said I was safe and sound at Marks house. But he doesn’t believe me because I’m a horrible liar. I loved my dad and all but sometime his rules were just stupid… so I didn’t listen to them.
I kept walking for a little with no clue where I’m going. I pulled out my cell phone to check the time it was 12:13.
I though I heard someone’s footsteps behind me so I looked around but saw nothing. I lowered my music to listen closer… I heard it again. Definitely footsteps. But there was no one around. I quickened my pace and the footsteps got faster as well. I was starting to get seriously freaked out and was turning my neck all over the place looking for someone but no one was there. Suddenly the footsteps stopped, so for some reason I stopped too.
I was breathing hard and I tried to hold my breath so I could listen better but no sound came. And just as I went to release my breath someone’s hand came around and covered my mouth. I struggled but this was obviously a man because he was hella strong.
Slowly I stopped kicking and biting his hand because my breath was short and I faded into the blackness. The last thing I thought was ‘this guys smells really good’ and I let the darkness take over me.
I opened my eyes slowly forgetting about everything thinking it was all a nightmare, but when I saw everything around me, reality came crashing down.
My wrist were stinging me and I realized my hands were tied behind my back to a pole and my legs tied with some rope. This room was just a square with a pole in the middle, but it was carpeted… and really cold. I started to shiver realizing I was wearing only a tee-shirt and skinny jeans. Where did my hoody go? Ah that’s one of my least important problems. What was on the top of my list though was that I am fucking kidnapped!
“HELLO?” I yelled at the top of my lungs but no one answered. I laid my head back on the pole wondering why in hells name I was calling my kidnappers to me I should pretend to be sleeping forever and just as I closed my eyes I heard the door squeak open. I squeezed my eyes tight hoping whoever was in the room couldn’t see me.
“I know your awake” some one said. A guy.
“no I’m not” I said in a little voice
The man laughed.
“open your eyes girly”
I slowly opened my right eyes and than the left and the sight in front of me had me wishing I had opened me eyes a lot sooner. A Boy maybe my age was standing in front of me wearing a pair of jeans and white-beater and fresh pair of white socks. And he was sexy! He had dirty blonde riffled hair and grayish blue eyes. And had a nice body too. He looked awfully familiar… but I didn’t know were I knew him from