hey chapter seven YAYA
Blake crawled ontop of me and just stared into my eyes. I knew I had a heart breaking-sad look on my face I just stared at him before looking down shamed that he had seen what had happened; how he had seen me crack, how he broke my spirit, how he tamed me and made me into something that I would never want to be… but now be because of his selfishness I was, I just gotten “punished” by the person I hate most, and it was all because of Blake .
“you know your not supposed to be here right?” he asked seductively burying his face into my neck
“Why did you let her do that to me?” I whispered
“because your bad and I like her better” he said simply
“than I'm leaving” I replied emotionless and squeezed away from him. I walked quickly to the door and left the room. I went into the kitchen were all the girls were. I didn’t say anything to them I just went to the next room over and plopped down on the couch and turned on the XBOX and played a game. Halfway though my first game Blake came to the room
“your not allowed to play that” he said jokingly. I knew he was joking but I didn’t want to joke I didn’t want to laugh I didn’t want anything to do with him.
So I turned the shit off, and got up without saying a word to him. I was actually going to go back to my room when Megan called me, I cringed from her voice. I turned to look at her anyways and she said to clean the kitchen and cook dinner. I didn’t reply I just walked to the kitchen pissed at my self for not yelling at Blake , for not yelling at Megan, for not going up to her right now and punching her in the face… but I knew that I couldn’t or else I would be in serious trouble, they had won. I had lost.
Cleaning the kitchen was easy but cooking wasn’t. I know how to cook and I'm a good cook but it just took so long. I made some simple spaghetti and made my own sauce. I added my own little secret ingredients here and there, this was my dad’s favorite dish that I made… and I must admit it tasted good.
Abby was setting the table and all the guys were sitting down talking to each other. I put the spaghetti in a pretty glass bowl and put it in the middle. I brought the garlic bread and the juice and soda and put it on the table. At this point everyone was sitting down. All the girls and all the boys, they were talking happily like a little family. But this wasn’t a family this was a sick and disgusting. There was one seat left next to Blake but I didn’t want to eat with them. Everyone looked at me waiting for me to sit down. My face was emotionless, almost sad and I knew it. That expression would not change until I found a reason to smile; to be happy. I looked everyone over as they all stared at me and turned around slowly and walked away, as far away as I could from there sick, sickening lives.
I didn’t understand why the girl’s where happy. I would be happy unless I was actually in love with one of the guys, not just a fuck buddy. I mean they always bring random girls home and there slave girls are okay with it. Like don’t they think that the guys are using them for sex?! Has that ever crossed there mind.
Mike actually told me why they aren’t angry and upset, He said that they picked up girls that they found. When they are here they actually get addicted to sex… so they stay, and they actually thought it was a privilege because they were in a royal place. My ass. Everything they have here is fake and surreal. And it’s disturbing. As I said the only way I would be happy if I wasn’t actually being used and controlled or I was actually in a relation ship with one of the guys and not just making out and having sex because they want too... I could actually never see my self as that, I'm a virgin still. But I never expected to be broken so I suppose it’s the next step on there sick plan.