A princes slave huh? chapter 10

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ok chapter 10 is up. im not getting like any commeent help



When I opened my eyes again and looked around I remembered being in Mikes room. I looked beside me and he wasn’t there. The alarm clock said 11:45. Wow I slept in. but trust me I could sleep much later than 11:45.

I got up yawning as I walked to the bathroom attached to Mikes room. I was going to go to Blake's room but I was lazy and there was a bathroom right in front of me.

When I got in there was girl shampoo and I used it, but Ally doesn’t need to know that. I didn’t scrub my self because there was no sponge for me I just let the soapy water run over me.

I wrapped my self with a fluffy white towel and went to Blake's room to change since that was were my clothes were.

When I went in Blake was on the computer.

“hey”  I said softly making him turn around in his chair

“where did you go last night?” he asked

I laughed “it wasn’t last night -  I got up to do the kitchen; wait remind me to talk to you about the kitchen later; anyway  when I came back to sleep, guess who I find in here” I said cocking and eyebrow

“ok I’ll make sure to remind you.”

“oritee” I said walking to the closet, it was possible to change in the closet but I didn’t want too.

I grabbed my clothes and walked to the bathroom and change, as I walked by Blake grinned boyishly making me laugh.

I put on a black blue boy and white skinny pants on top-

I wore a navy blue cami and on top a tight sky blue American eagle long sleeve shirt. I paired them with navy socks and a little gem stone ring. As well as a pair of blue studs. I tied my hair in a messy bun  and pulled down  my side bangs.

I walked out and  Blake was still scrolling on the computer. I walked up behind him to see what he was looking at. I rested my chin on his head and wrapped my arm around his neck.

He was on collegehumor.com. I started laughing so hard as a video called the whites boys you know-slow jerk came on.

Some guy at a office(we’ll call him dave) was making fun of his friend (we’ll call him Bob) when he told a  boring story by pretending to jack off. so than Dave told the Bob about a party he was having and the Bob  pretended to jack off slowly as his Dave told the story. And Dave was like dude no that’s not how you do it, and he told him he was supposed to do it fast and Bob just stared at him and kept fake jacking off, and Dave was like yelling, DUDE no your not supposed to make eyes contact-ugh that’s just gross. It was kinda gross but fuckin hilarious.

the video is so much funnier I'm a bad explainer sorry-

I  was behind Blake laughing insanely about the video. So funny. The video ended and I was still laughing. Blake was laughing too just not as hard.  

I finally calmed down and me and Blake left the room after a couple more videos. The second we got to the living room mike goes

“well ,well ,well kicker awakens at last huh?” he said dramatically making me explode in laughter.

Every one else seem really lost.

“so this chick decides to come to my room and some what time was it Huh Jessie- lets say 6:00 asking me if she could sleep in my bed” I heard ally take in a deep breath- calm the fuck down bitch nothing happened in there.

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