hey next part, comment vote and yeah- u know the drill
It was around 4:30 A.M when someone was pushing and nudging me to wake. I rolled over and it was one of the other girls I think Ally had a pissed expression on her face.
“get up! Come one!” she screeched, and I was even more irritated since it was the morning, and I was not a morning person, AT ALL.
I turned around and stuffed my face into the pillow and closed my eyes, but the chick kept talking.
“TAKE A HINT IM TRYING TO SLEEP!” I yelled pissed off , I pulled the covers over my head and closed my eyes again.
“You need to get up! Like right now we got work to do!”
“I'm not doing shit” I mumbled
“tell it to your master” she mumbled.
“ok seriously you have got to get up!” she yelled
“or what?” I threatened
“I'm going to call Megan”
“I don’t care call the bitch”
“you asked for it… MEGAN!” she yelled
About a minute later I heard footsteps and then they stopped.
I didn’t respond just closed my eyes tighter
“your waking Blake up shut the hell up!”
“I'm GIVING YOU 5 SECONDS…5,4,3,2,…1”
And I waited for her to do something, just then I felt a gut wrenching feeling in the pit of my stomach, bitch punched me.
I rolled over ever so slowly and sat up,.
“you really want me to beat your ass again don’t you Bitch?”
She cocked and eyebrow.
“try it… ooh please do it Masters going to give you HELL for it… do it.” She said coldly,
“actually I changed my mind. I'm going back to sleep” I said yawning. And crawled under the covers.
“you asked for it” I heard her mumble, I heard her footsteps leave the room and then she came back, I heard her footsteps stop, and the covers went flying off me, and in her hand she was holding thin black leather belt, oh shit, I thought, but it was too late she had already lifted up her arm, and the belt made a cracking sound against my bear legs. I rolled over quickly and without thinking went on to Blake ’s side of the bed and I was face to face with a startled Blake . I watched Megan lift up her arm again, but I knew she wouldn’t dare hit Blake so I pulled him way closer. He was laying sideways so I lifted up his top arm and put it around me and put my arm around him and brought my knees up and put my head against his bare chest squeezed my eyes closed, meanwhile my leg was stinging like hell.
“what the hell?!” Blake said huskily and confused, from sleep. And than Megan started Blabbering.
“she wouldn’t get up and Ally called her to come work but she wouldn’T……….” BLA BLA BLA. This girl just kept on talking too! After the first sentence I stopped listening.
“OK. Get out” Blake said to the girls… oh shit I was going to make a run for it and I was about to spread out my legs and hop off but he grabbed my arm.